Ionian Melody - Epar.Od. Nikianas - Alexandrou 106

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ionian Melody

Address :

Epar.Od. Nikianas - Alexandrou 106, Nikiana 311 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 311
Categories :

Epar.Od. Nikianas - Alexandrou 106, Nikiana 311 00, Greece
Dimitris Papapostolou on Google

Υπέροχη εμπειρία, πολύ καλή εξυπηρέτηση, τα δωματια καθαρα, ευρυχωρα και με υπέροχη θέα. Φιλόξενοι άνθρωποι σε ένα ξεχωριστό νησί όπως η Λευκάδα !
Great experience, very good service, the rooms are clean, spacious and with a great view. Hospitable people on a special island like Lefkada!
Iulian Ilie on Google

Cea mai neplacuta vacanta pe care am avut-o vreodata !!! Deci sa incepem cu inceputul, de cum am ajuns am remarcat aspectul jalnic al asternuturilor, pareau nespalate, la fel si prosoapele. Doua coji mici de sapun care s-au consumat intr-o zi a fost tot sapunul pe care l-am primit si am stat 7 zile doua persoane. Nici vorba de sampon, sau plita pe care vecinii de palier spuneau ca au vazut-o in descriere. "Hotelul" este asezat foarte aproape de soseaua care leaga statiunile Nikiana, Nidri, Vasiliki, de Lefkas capitala insulei si traficul este foarte intens zi si noapte. Noi am avut o camera amplasata in apropierea soselei si aveam impresia ca masinile ne trec prin camera. Desi am sesizat acest aspect imediat ce am fost cazati tatalui patronului, solicitand sa fim mutati pe o latura mai putin expusa traficului auto.. ni s-a raspuns "tomorow". A doua zi am discutat cu Adriana sotia proprietarului "hotelului" si ni s-a spus sa inchidem ferestrele, dar zgomotul se auzea aproape la fel si cu ferestrele inchise. L-am chemat pe patron in camera sa auda cu urechile lui zgomotul din șosea pe care il percep clientii cazati in acea camera, a venit, a auzit si ne-a promis promis ca a doua zi dupa micul dejun ne muta.. si am ramas doar cu promisiunea. Intruna din zile am avut o excursie cumparata de la ghidul Christian Tour, am anuntat-o pe sotia patronului ca la ora 8:10 dimineata trebuie sa fim in statie la autocar si am rugat-o sa ne pregateasca si noua dejunul pana in ora de plecare. La ora 7:50 am coborat pt. dejun.. si ce sa vezi, in bufet nu era nici macar cafeaua pregatita. Pana la urma dupa ora 8 a pus niste mancare la bufet am apucat sa luam ceva pe repede inainte circa. doua min. si ne-am trezit cu ghida langa noi poftindu-ne la autocar. Ghida, Marcela Serbanescu a intrebat-o pe patroana "hotelului" la ce ora ne-a pus masa avand in vedere ca a anuntat la Christian Tour programul de servire a micului dejun incepand cu ora 7 dimineata, raspunsul patroanei a fost o criza isterica, spunandu-i prin țipete s-o lase in pace, ca ea este la final de sezon si este f. obosita. Am avut o discutie in aceiasi zi seara si am rugat-o sa tina cont de faptul ca daca avem o excursie dimineata dorim sa ne putem lua micul dejun. Dna Adriana s-a simtit ofensata si iritata pana la limita isteriei, spunandu-mi ca pana la urma noi stam in casa lor si daca nu-mi place sa ma mut la alt hotel pt. ca ei îi vor compensa pe Christian Tour.. intr-un final si-a cerut si scuze intr-o maniera absoluf nesincera, doar ca sa bifeze. Imediat dupa aceasta discutie l-a chemat pe Petros (sotul) sa discut cu el toate problemele pt. ca el e manager. Petros a venit la discutie cu o atitudine extrem de agresiva, chiar amenintatoare de parca stateam in "hotelul" lor pro bono. Alte aspecte : hartia igienica nu am avut doua zile si am primit doar pt. ca am cerut, cabina de dus este foarte stramta, nu ai loc fizic sa te speli in ea, trebuie sa iesi afara din cabina pt. ca sa te poti sapuni pe tot corpul, curatenie cu schimbatul asternuturilor ni s-a facut doar o data in a 4-a zi, paharele de la masa aveau slin in zona superioara de aproape ca nu vedeai prin ele, micul dejun facut cu zgarcenie si acelasi zi de zi, etc! La maxim 5 min. de dimineata pana in noapte, mama patronului scoatea un sunet oribil si tare de ziceai ca isi varsa toate mațele, daca vrei sa stai pe balcon sa mananci sau sa bei ceva e aproape imposibil. Vecinii de camera ne-au spus ca intr-o zi au venit niste muncitori sa faca reparatij la acoperis, si aveau impresia ca le darama tavanul in cap. Desi la venire noi ne-am cazat la ora 22 : 30 aprox., in ziua precedenta plecarii Petros ne-a anuntat ca trebuie sa eliberam camerele la ora 9 dimineata. Voi face cunoscuta situatia la Cristian Tour dar si la ANPC NU RECOMAND !!!!
The most unpleasant vacation I have ever had !!! So let's start with the beginning, as soon as I arrived I noticed the pathetic appearance of the bedding, they seemed unwashed, as well as the towels. Two small barks of soap that were consumed in one day was all the soap I received and I stayed 7 days two people. Not to mention the shampoo or hob that the neighbors said they saw in the description. The "hotel" is located very close to the road that connects the resorts Nikiana, Nidri, Vasiliki, Lefkas the capital of the island and the traffic is very intense day and night. We had a room located near the road and we had the impression that our cars were passing through our room. Although we noticed this aspect as soon as we were accommodated to the owner's father, asking us to be moved to a side less exposed to car traffic ... we were answered "tomorow". The next day we talked to Adriana, the wife of the "hotel" owner, and we were told to close the windows, but the noise was almost the same as with the windows closed. I called the owner in the room to hear with his ears the noise from the road perceived by the guests staying in that room, he came, heard and promised us that the next day after breakfast we would move .. and we left only with the promise. One day I had a trip bought from the Christian Tour guide, I announced to the owner's wife that at 8:10 in the morning we have to be at the bus station and I asked her to prepare our breakfast until departure. At 7:50 I went down for breakfast ... and what to see, there wasn't even coffee ready in the buffet. Eventually after 8 o'clock he put some food on the buffet, we managed to get something quickly before about. two min. and we woke up with the guide next to us inviting us to the bus. The guide, Marcela Serbanescu asked the owner of the "hotel" what time she set the table for us, considering that she announced at the Christian Tour the breakfast service starting at 7 in the morning, the owner's response was a hysterical crisis, telling her with screams to leave her alone, that she is at the end of the season and is perfectly tired. We had a discussion the same evening and asked her to take into account the fact that if we have a trip in the morning we want to be able to have breakfast. Mrs. Adriana felt offended and irritated to the point of hysteria, telling me that in the end we are staying in their house and if I don't like moving to another hotel for that they will compensate the Christian Tour ... in the end he apologized in an absolutely insincere way, just to tick. Immediately after this discussion, he called Petros (the husband) to discuss with him all the problems for that he is a manager. Petros came to the discussion with an extremely aggressive attitude, even threatening as if we were staying in their pro bono "hotel". Other aspects: the toilet paper I did not have two days and I received only for as I asked, the shower is very tight, you have no physical place to wash in it, you have to get out of the cabin for. so that you can soap your whole body, cleaning with changing the bedding was done only once on the 4th day, the glasses on the table had slin in the upper area almost you could not see through them, the breakfast was made sparingly and the same day by day, etc! At maximum 5 min. from morning to night, the owner's mother made a horrible and loud sound as if she were spilling all her mats, if you want to sit on the balcony to eat or drink something is almost impossible. The neighbors told us that one day some workers came to repair the roof, and they had the impression that the ceiling was falling on their heads. Although on arrival we stayed at about 22:30, the day before departure Petros informed us that we must vacate the rooms at 9 am. I will make the situation known at Cristian Tour but also at ANPC I DO NOT RECOMMEND !!!!
Diana Cristina on Google

O experienta foarte neplacuta. Cu siguranta nu vom mai reveni si nu vom recomanda nimanui aceasta locatie. :) Privelistea este foarte spectaculoasa din balcon. Camera este foarte spatioasa, lenjerie schimbata si curatenie zilnic. :( Locatia a fost foarte greu de gasit pt ca nu exista niciun indicator la strada principala. Parcarea a fost foarte mica pentru toate masinile. Micul dejun a fost foarte modest (toata saptamana a fost acelasi fel de carnaciori si de salam, la jumatatea saptamanii a fost adaugat un al doilea fel de salam; 4-5 oua fierte sau prajite chiar daca noi eram mai multe persoane prezente, dupa ce se terminau se mai aduceau, dar trebuia asteptat; cateva bucatele de branza si cateva masline care nu erau suficiente pt toate persoanele; 2-3 boluri de iaurt, 2-3 boluri de fulgi de porumb si 2-3 boluri de fructe pt toate persoanele prezente). Chicineta complet utilata inseamna o chiuveta, 2 pahare, 2 farfurii si 2 cutite. Ne asteptam si la o mica plita. Patul a fost foarte mic pt 2 persoane si pernele au fost aproape inexistente. Baia a fost foarte mica. Plasa de la dus se electriza de corp. Apa sarita pe jos de la dus se scurgea foarte greu. Un mop si o galeata erau foarte utile, dar au lipsit. In baie erau doar 2 sapunuri. Propietarii au fost foarte galagiosi pe timpul zilei. Aerul conditionat din camera era foarte vechi. Chiar daca l-am folosit 3 zile, proprietarul ne-a luat bani pentru 7 zile.
A very unpleasant experience. We will definitely not return and will not recommend this location to anyone. :) The view is very spectacular from the balcony. The room is very spacious, linen changed and daily cleaning. :( The location was very hard to find because there is no sign on the main street. Parking was very small for all cars. Breakfast was very modest (the whole week was the same kind of sausages and salami, in the middle of the week a second kind of salami was added; 4-5 boiled or fried eggs even if we were more people present, after they were finished, they were brought, but we had to wait; a few pieces of cheese and a few olives that were not enough for all people; 2-3 bowls of yogurt, 2-3 bowls of cornflakes and 2-3 bowls of fruit for all people present). Fully equipped kitchenette means a sink, 2 glasses, 2 plates and 2 knives. We also expect a small hob. The bed was very small for 2 people and the pillows were almost non-existent. The bathroom was very small. The shower net is electrified by the body. The water that jumped from the shower was very difficult to drain. A mop and a bucket were very useful, but they were missing. There were only 2 soaps in the bathroom. The owners were very noisy during the day. The air conditioning in the room was very old. Even though we used it for 3 days, the owner took our money for 7 days.

Τι να πω για αυτό το μέρος δεν το συνιστώ σε κανέναν από που να ξεκινήσεις και που να τελειώσεις από το ότι δεν έχει ταμπέλα και έχουν βάλει άλλη τοποθεσία στο GPS; Να πω ότι το check in είναι στις 2 εμείς πήγαμε στις 3 και το δωμάτιο δεν ήταν έτοιμο?? Ότι δεν καθάρισαν ποτέ?? Βγήκα με εξω και γυρίσαμε καθαρίζοντας με χλωρίνη το βράδυ την τουαλέτα που βρήκαμε ότι είχαν αφήσει οι προηγούμενοι??? Ότι δεν τους έβρισκες ποτέ μόνο για να πληρώσεις;;; τι να πω βρωμιά άλλο δωμάτιο βλέπεις άλλο συναντάς... κάνεις να μην πάει!!!
What can I say about this place, I do not recommend it to anyone from where to start and where to end because it does not have a sign and they have put another location on the GPS? To say that check in is at 2 we went at 3 and the room was not ready ?? That they never cleaned ?? I went out and we came back cleaning with bleach at night the toilet we found that the previous ones had left ??? That you never found them just to pay ??? what can I say dirt another room you see another you meet ... you make it not go !!!
Δημήτρης Βλαχόπουλος on Google

Αν και μείναμε μονάχα μια μέρα ήταν μια πολύ ευχάριστη εμπειρία... Είχε πολύ ωραία θέα βρήκαμε ένα καθαρό δωμάτιο ευρύχωρο με όλες τις ανέσεις Όσο για τον ιδιοκτήτη τον κ.Νικο ένας από τους πιο ευχαριστούς ανθρώπους που έχω γνωρισει.
Although we stayed only one day it was a very pleasant experience ... It had a very nice view we found a clean room spacious with all amenities As for the owner, Mr. Nikos, one of the happiest people I have ever met.
Stratos Vanakas on Google

Great view and great people! Highly recommended
Top Service on Google

Perfect position, quite and clean studio, beautyfull family!
Trofin P. Alina on Google

Everything was great! The location is well positioned, amazing view from every spot, the rooms are very clean, great service and breakfast. The biggest plus are the owners. Family business, always ready to help and really nice people! Definitely looking forward to come back again next summer!

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