Jonathan Katz Ψυχοθεραπεία MSc Integrative Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy - Likourgou 16

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Contact Jonathan Katz Ψυχοθεραπεία MSc Integrative Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy

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Likourgou 16, Athina 152 31, Greece

Phone : 📞 +9988
Postal code : 152
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Likourgou 16, Athina 152 31, Greece
Κατε Καλλιακουδη on Google

Ενας θεραπευτης που με υποστηριξε και με ενθαρρυνε να συνειδητοποιησω και να θεραπευσω τον πονο μου.Ο Τζοναθαν με χιουμορ,ευαισθησια και σεβασμο στην προσωπικοτητα μου ηταν διπλα μου στην διαδικασια της αλλαγης μου και με βοηθησε να φτιαξω μια ζωη με χαρα και καλες επιλογες για μενα.Μου αρεσει πολυ να δουλευω μαζι του.Τον συνιστω ανεπιφυλακτα.
A therapist who supported me and encouraged me to realize and heal my pain. Jonathan with humor, sensitivity and respect for my personality was by my side in the process of my change and helped me build a life of joy and good choices for me. I really like working with him. I highly recommend him.
Butterfly on Google

Η εμπειρία μου δουλεύοντας με τον Τζοναθαν σαν θεραπευτή, είναι κάτι πάρα πάνω από μοναδική. Σαν άνθρωπος είχα δυσκολία να εκφράζω τα βαθιά μου συναισθήματα και τις σκέψεις μου, με αποτέλεσμα να δημιουργούνται θέματα που με δυσκολεύει να χαρώ την ζωή. Οι κρίσεις πανικου υπήρχαν έντονα στην ζωή μου. Με την βαθιά του κατανόηση όμως, μου έδωσε εργαλεια να δουλέψω με αυτά ώστε να μάθω να αγαπώ και να ακούω τον εαυτό μου πραγματικά. Η συμπονια του, η κατανόηση που έδειχνε, η ελευθερία που μου δημιουργούσε στο να είμαι ο εαυτός μου και να εκφράζομαι, έκανε σιγά σιγά τις κρίσεις πανικου να φεύγουν. Με διδάσκει να απολαμβάνω την ζωή, να θεραπευω τα τραύματα μου και να κάνω τα όνειρα μου πράξεις με έναν πολύ ανάλαφρο και αποτελεσματικά τρόπο! Με βοήθησε να αλλάξω την ζωή όπως την ήξερα πριν, και να αρχίσω να ζω αυτήν που θέλω!
My experience working with Jonathan as a therapist is more than unique. As a person, I had difficulty expressing my deep feelings and thoughts, resulting in issues that make it difficult for me to enjoy life. Panic attacks have been intense in my life. With his deep understanding, however, he gave me the tools to work with them to learn to love and listen to myself truly. His compassion, the understanding he showed, the freedom he gave me to be myself and to express myself, slowly made the panic attacks go away. It teaches me to enjoy life, to heal my wounds and to make my dreams come true in a very light and effective way! It helped me change my life as I knew it before, and start living the one I want!
kanta katz on Google

This young man not only has the ability to help you where you are, he has been learning and applying the information he teaches in his own life... if you know him you can see how he has moved from the world of pain and excuses to a current experience of creating what he wants in his life..
eirini loud on Google

The passion he has when he works with people is amazing! When I work with him, when I learn from him, his love and compassion about the issues I have, the support in my healing path, makes me feel free and supported to be exactly myself. He knows that everyone has their own path, and the time of healing is different for everyone. He makes me feel safe to express all my feelings, and always give me tools to work practically with. He doesn't only teach me theory, but he teaches me how to love my self in a deep level without judgment, how to support my dreams, and how to clean my traumas. I like working with him, because he helps me to live the life I dreamed, with full responsibility of my actions, and all these with joy!!

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