LA OLGA Apartment Lefkada - Βουρνικάς

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact LA OLGA Apartment Lefkada

Address :

Βουρνικάς, Lefkada 310 82, Greece

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 310
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Categories :

Βουρνικάς, Lefkada 310 82, Greece
Elena Strukova on Google

Отличные апартаменты для всей семьи! Хорошая хозяйка и идеальная чистота!!
Great apartments for the whole family! Good hostess and perfect cleanliness !!
Blerta Pepa on Google

Αψογη η εξυπηρετηση κ πεντακαθαρο μπραβο σας!! Ξανα εδω το επομενο καλοκαιρι ?
Flawless service and your crystal clear bravo !! Here again next summer ?
Σωτηρης Δ on Google

Yperoxo meros! Pragmatika psntakatharo! K gia t mikra paidia! Oikogeniako perivalon! De niwsame pote sa xenoi! Konta se oles tis paralies tou nhsiou! Me katapliktiki thea se thalassa k vouno! Paradeisos......
Yperoxo meros! Pragmatika psntakatharo! Kia t mikra paidia! Oikogeniako perival! De niwsame pote how much xenoi! Konta se oles tis paralies tou nhsiou! With katapliktiki thea that thalassa k vouno! Paradeisos ......
G K on Google

Πολύ καλή εξυπηρέτηση και ευγενική η οικογένεια που το εχει. Το σπίτι ήταν πεντακάθαρο και περιποιημένο.
Very good service and kind family. The house was spotless and tidy.
Georgiana Costea on Google

Buna ! ? In primul rand, vreau sa le multumesc gazdelor pentru ospitalitatea lor, pentru seriozitatea de care au dat dovada, pentru amabilitate si in final pentru prietenia care s-a format in cele 10 zile cat ne-au gazduit. Putem spune ca ne-am simtit ca acasa! ❤ Locul de cazare a fost foarte frumos, curat cu doua privelisti spectaculoase. Balconul avea vedere spre mare, iar terasa din fata spre munte. Gazdele ne-au oferit de bun venit ulei, condimente, suc, apa, dulciuri si placinte preparate de Olga si orice am avut nevoie pe parcursul celor 10 zile fara nimic in schimb. Satul Burnikas este unul micut, linistit, cu oameni deosebit de prietenosi, facandu-te sa iti doresti sa te muti acolo. Am invatat putina greaca cu ajutorul lor, dar si obiceiuri. Olga, Thassos si fiul lor Billy pe langa faptul ca se ocupa de apartamentul La Olga, fac ulei de masline si poti achizitiona direct de la ei. As putea scrie foarte multe lucruri despre cat de bine ne-am simtit, cate amintiri frumoase avem cu ei, dar, cu siguranta o sa mai revenim si ii recomandam cu tot dragul!
Hi ! ? First of all, I want to thank the hosts for their hospitality, for the seriousness they showed, for the kindness and finally for the friendship that was formed in the 10 days they hosted us. We can say that we felt at home! ❤ The accommodation was very nice, clean with two spectacular views. The balcony overlooked the sea and the front terrace overlooked the mountains. The hosts welcomed us with oil, spices, juice, water, sweets and pies prepared by Olga and everything we needed during the 10 days with nothing in return. The village of Burnikas is a small, quiet one, with very friendly people, making you want to move there. I learned a little Greek with their help, but also habits. Olga, Thassos and their son Billy, besides the fact that they take care of La Olga's apartment, make olive oil and you can buy it directly from them. I could write a lot about how good we felt, how many beautiful memories we have with them, but we will definitely come back and recommend them with all our heart!
zarifa kouzilova on Google

Очень хорошая гостиница как дома, уютно ,чисто, хозяйка улыбчивая,добросердечная, очень приятная. Вид с балкона завораживает,внизу долина с оливковыми садами,голубое небо сливается с горизонтом.Так хочется ещё раз вернуться. До моря на авто 10 минут,а пляжи замечательные.Рядом с гостиницей таверна где кормят овощами со своего огорода да и стейки свиные такие большие и вкусные иногда думала осилю ли???Да и стоят совсем недорого всего 7 евро порция.Остались самые наилучшие впечатления.
Very nice hotel at home, cozy, clean, the hostess is smiling, kind-hearted, very pleasant. The view from the balcony is fascinating, at the bottom of the valley with olive gardens, the blue sky merges with the horizon. So you want to return again. 10 minutes to the sea by car, and the beaches are wonderful. Near the hotel there is a tavern where they feed vegetables from their garden and even pork steaks are so big and tasty, sometimes I thought to master it ??? Yes, and they are quite inexpensive, only 7 euro a portion. The best impressions .
danut muntenescu on Google

Foarte bine! Condiții excelente,foarte ospitalieri. Merită tot respectul. Liniște,aer curat, perfect pt 2,3 familii.
Very good! Excellent conditions, very hospitable. It deserves all the respect. Quiet, clean air, perfect for 2.3 families.
T. Krava on Google

Very nice apartment, very hospitable host Olga and her son.

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