"ΜΑΝΟΣ" - Unnamed Road

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact "ΜΑΝΟΣ"

Address :

Unnamed Road, Paralia Skotinis 600 63, Greece

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 600
Categories :

Unnamed Road, Paralia Skotinis 600 63, Greece
Мирослав И. Плавшић on Google

Веома љубазно особље добро се служе енглеским језиком. Једино што им замерам то је да није увек иста клопа примера ради деси се да у порцији мешаног меса фале неки састојци некад а некад их добијете. Гирос им је бољи од свих овде у понуди. Овде сам и одгледао кошаркашку текму Грчка - Србија добили смо их после продужетка 80:85 гласно сам навијао са сином и нисам доживео непријатности. Пицу још нисмо пробали овде али верујем и да је она скроз у реду. Цене нису надуване а порције су сасвим задовољавајуће. Порција мешаног меса кошта 11€ и могу двоје одраслих комотно да лепо вечерају, за једног човека је пуно. Ево пробасмо и пицу јели смо и боље, а Бога ми и горе. Проблем је што породичну пицу сматрају ону од 30 цм у пречнику и кошта 8,5€, а тај пречник је сувише мали за породицу...примера ради прошле године у Неа Врасна летовалишту имали сте понуду породичне пице од 50 цм са четири Кока-Коле за 15€...
Very friendly staff have good command of English. The only thing I blame them is that it is not always the same tick for example because in a portion of mixed meat, some ingredients are sometimes missing and sometimes you get them. Giros them better than all on offer. Here I also watched the Greece - Serbia basketball game. We got them after the 80:85 overtime. We haven't tried the pizza here yet, but I also believe that it is perfectly fine. The prices are not inflated and the portions are quite satisfactory. Mixed meat costs € 11 and two adults can have a nice dinner, for one person it is a lot. Here we tasted and we ate pizza better and God we did worse. The problem is that family pizza is considered to be 30 cm in diameter and costs € 8.5, and that diameter is too small for a family ... for example, last year at Nea Vrasna resort you had a 50 cm family pizza offering with four Coca- Kole 15 € ...
Слободан Трајковски on Google

Great place. Tasty food served in 5 minutes. Very polite personel.
Renato Volpe on Google

Excellent and affodable food, best Gyros ever!
Marko Stojanović on Google

Very tasty food and friendly staff.
Stevan Momcilovic on Google

You must try Gyros ! The cook is expert for Gyros
Jasmina Gligoric on Google

The most delicious, very authentic Greek food, always fresh fish. I've never eaten something so good in my life.
magnus von Rohein on Google

Perfect Restaurant in the forest... Very very friendly stuff and authentic greec meals. Highly recommended
Andreea Jinga on Google

The place was nice and clean. The waiters are very kind and really fast. They have the menu outside so you can decide what you want faster. We ate Gyros Pita and it was ok (not amazing) both taste and size, but it was served in just 5 minutes. The prices are good, almost the same with other restaurants in the zone.

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