Marketou Travel - Marketou Travel

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Sami 280 80, Greece

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Sami 280 80, Greece
Michele Gussoni on Google

Ho prenotato una nave per Itaca. Appena arrivato in agenzia a ritirare i biglietti, candidamente c'è stato detto che la nave sarebbe partita con due ore di ritardo. Se c'è l'avessero comunicato prima, ci saremmo organizzati decisamente meglio.
I've booked a ship to Ithaca. As soon as we arrived at the agency to collect the tickets, we were candidly told that the ship would leave two hours late. If they had communicated it earlier, we would have organized much better.
Marco on Google

Niente da dire sulla gentilezza del personale ma è necessario far presente che i traghetti per Itaca sono spesso in ritardo, sebbene non sia imputabile all'agenzia, sarebbe maggiormente cosa gradita se si preoccupassero di avvisare del disguido anche con un semplice sms.
Nothing to say about the kindness of the staff but it is necessary to point out that the ferries for Ithaca are often late, although it is not attributable to the agency, it would be more appreciated if they were worried about notifying the mistake even with a simple sms.
M Z on Google

Traghetto Bari-Cefalonia Abbiamo preso una cabina per due con bagno.. tutto sommato buona... pulita ed essenziale. Personale disponibile. Un po rumorosa: la porta del bagno ha vibrato tutta la notte. Uno dei due letti aveva un materasso vecchio con le molle che saltavano quando mi spostavo. Cena a sacco!
Ferry Bari-Kefalonia We took a cabin for two with bathroom .. all in all good ... clean and essential. Staff available. A bit noisy: the bathroom door vibrated all night. One of the two beds had an old mattress with springs that jumped when I moved. Packed dinner!

Τι να πεί κανείς , πας για πελάτης και φεύγοντας από το πρακτορείο αυτό καταριέσαι την ώρα που μπήκες μέσα εκεί!!! Πήγα να πάρω δηλώσεις υγείας επιβίβασης και τις έκρυψαν!! Η συμπεριφορά της μεγάλης κυρίας στο γκισέ ήταν λες και δεν της πλήρωσες το νοίκι!!!! Κρίμα εν μέσω τουριστικής περιόδου!!!
What can one say, you go for a customer and leaving this agency you curse the time you entered there !!! I went to get boarding health statements and they hid them !! The behavior of the big lady at the counter was as if you did not pay her rent !!!! Too bad in the middle of the tourist season !!!
Chiara “ClaRe31” Turini on Google

Per la nostra vacanza a Cefalonia abbiamo deciso di fare una giornata alla bellissima isola di Itaca. Ci siamo affidati a questa agenzia che ci ha fornito i biglietti. Abbiamo deciso di portare con noi la nostra macchina ed il prezzo per due biglietti andata e ritorno più la macchina è stato di 41 euro. La ragazza è stata molto gentile, inoltre parlava anche italiano. I traghetti di questo compagnia partono la mattina alle 8.15 oppure 15.15 ed il ritorno è alle 16.15 oppure alle 22.15 e impiega circa 30 minuti. Consigliato per chi vuole visitare l'isola in autonomia. Grazie
For our holiday in Kefalonia we decided to take a day to the beautiful island of Ithaca. We relied on this agency who provided us with the tickets. We decided to bring our car with us and the price for two return tickets plus the car was 41 euros. The girl was very nice, she also spoke Italian. The ferries of this company leave in the morning at 8.15 or 15.15 and the return is at 16.15 or 22.15 and takes about 30 minutes. Recommended for those who want to visit the island independently. Thanks
Alessio BOSETTI on Google

Refugees buy ferry tickets here. It's a class 2 business.
Sebastian Kozioł on Google

Very friendly and helpful stuff. You can buy tickets to ferry to Ithaca here.
Fabian Eberle on Google

Issues boarding passes for Ventouris Ferries as they don't have their own office in Sami. Very helpful staff. Unfortunately no sign that indicates the service for Ventouris travelers.

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