Myriokephala Monastery - Myriokephala Monastery

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Contact Myriokephala Monastery

Miriokefala 740 55, Greece
Peter Lorenz on Google

Eine ca. 1000 Jahre alte Kirche. Ursprünglich byzantinisch mit einigen Umbauten und alten Wandmalereien. Kostenlos zu besuchen.
An approximately 1000 year old church. Originally Byzantine with some modifications and old wall paintings. Free to visit.
Richard H. on Google

Sad story.
Kostas Z on Google

Holly local place
Manolis Papadakis on Google

Do not disturb

Very interesting visit, if you appreciate truly old paintings.
Tomasz Baziuk on Google

A beautiful monastery with perfectly preserved frescoes
Dimitri Michailidis on Google

A church built in the 12th century, an icon from around 1650, a life time devotion from papa Giannis with his books on the matter, and the recently opened small museum with historic relics from this church, give me the maximum feeling peace. When crossing myself in front of the same icon like my ancestors have done for centuries, under foreign occupation, during war, poverty grief or illness is a unique feeling. It does not get better than that.
Папа on Google

A really historical church built hundred years ago and attracts extremely many orthodox people at the days of 7-8th of September,its a really big event, definitely worth seeing it.

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