4.5/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Georgioupoli 730 08, Greece

Postal code : 730
Categories :

Georgioupoli 730 08, Greece
SB on Google

Sehr schöne Fotokulisse mit toller Sicht auf die Bucht. Vor allem bei Sonnenuntergang zu empfehlen!
Very nice photo backdrop with a great view of the bay. Especially recommended at sunset!
Marek Knobel on Google

Z portu trzeba przejść około 800 metrów aby dojść do tego malutkiego kościółka.Warto bo z tego miejsca jest ładny widok na Jeorjupoli.
From the port you have to go about 800 meters to get to this tiny church. Because from this place there is a nice view of Georgioupoli.
Verbena P on Google

Mały kościółek w trudno dostępnym miejcu.Dobry punkt widokowy.Warto pójść dalej za kościół tam też piękne widoki i niebezpieczny skalisty morski brzeg.
A small church in a hard-to-reach place. Good vantage point. It's worth going further behind the church, there are also beautiful views and a dangerous rocky sea shore.
Nick Bijl on Google

Kerkje op de kop van de baai te bereiken na een korte wandeling met mooi overzicht over de baai en het strand
Church at the head of the bay can be reached after a short walk with a beautiful overview of the bay and the beach
mariano salomone on Google

Chiesetta sulla punta della roccia a picco sul mare. Ci si arriva dalla spiaggia attraversando un ponticello che passa su un ruscello oppure attraversando quest'ultimo che però è gelato. Mantenuta bene ma chiusa. Credo venga aperta solo nel momento delle celebrazioni che dovrebbero essere tenutae in esterno considerata la grandezza della chiesa.
Small church on the tip of the rock overlooking the sea. It can be reached from the beach by crossing a bridge that crosses a stream or by crossing the stream which is frozen. Well maintained but closed. I believe it is only open at the time of the celebrations that should be held outdoors considering the size of the church.
Michał Borowiecki on Google

Roman Koco on Google

Gleb Dryzhov on Google

Very interesting place, great view to the city. This church is connected with a big IIWW pillbox, that situated in the mountain and have many rooms and stairs. Take a torch with you to discover all the corners of that labyrinth)))

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