Parking B Zakros Gorge - Parking B Zakros Gorge

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parking B Zakros Gorge

Address :

Xirokampias 723 00, Greece

Postal code : 723
Categories :

Xirokampias 723 00, Greece
daniele volpe on Google

Bella esperienza, cosiglio di portare tanta acqua e partendo dal parcheggio B l'ingresso alla gola rimane sulla sx dietro una fontana, si scende e si attraversa un cancello che va richiuso
Nice experience, I recommend bringing lots of water and starting from parking B the entrance to the gorge remains on the left behind a fountain, go down and cross a gate that must be closed
Marco Mazzon on Google

Bella camminata e spiaggia, molto suggestiva anche per la storia. Ci sono valli migliori però (tipo agiofarago beach)
Beautiful walk and beach, very suggestive also for the history. There are better valleys though (like agiofarago beach)
Nils Nylander on Google

Bra parkering något liten, om det kommer många besökare. Vattenkälla, oklart om vattnet är drickbart men skönt att kunna svalja sig med. Nära till leden i ravinen. Ingen skugga.
Good parking a bit small, if there are many visitors. Water source, unclear if the water is drinkable but nice to be able to cool off with. Close to the trail in the gorge. No shadow.
Hans Fránek on Google

Tiché a mystické místo přímo nabízející zamyšlení nad smyslem života a smrti. ??☠️? Cesta dosti kamenitá a místy strmá.
A quiet and mystical place directly offering reflections on the meaning of life and death. ??☠️? The road is quite rocky and sometimes steep.
Larissa Wegener on Google

Guter Parkplatz für eine Tour durch das Tal der Toten. Weg ist mit roten Pfeilen markiert. Es bieten sich schöne Einblicke in das Tal beim unebenen Abstieg. Wanderschuhe absolut empfehlenswert. Wenig Schatten auf dem Weg, daher bei hohen Temperaturen eher nicht zu empfehlen
Good parking lot for a tour of the Valley of the Dead. The path is marked with red arrows. There are beautiful views of the valley on the uneven descent. Hiking shoes absolutely recommendable. Little shade on the way, therefore not recommended in high temperatures
Agata i Rafał B on Google

Najprostrza opcją to zejść do wąwozu droga za parkingiem B i dojść do plaży droga w dół. My zrobiliśmy z dziećmi 5 i 3 lat i dało radę. Potem z zatoki taksówką na górę lub z powrotem ta sama droga. Trasa nie wymaga dużych umiejętności, należy zachować ostrożność. Osoby z przeciętna kondycja spokójnie dadzą radę wrócić na nogach. My byliśmy w 2 auta i jedno zostawiliśmy na dole - ten trik zredukował nam drogę powrotną na nogach z małymi dziećmi.
The easiest option is to go down to the ravine the road after parking B and go down to the beach. We did 5 and 3 years with children and it was fine. Then from the bay by taxi to the top or back the same way. The route does not require much skill, be careful. People with average condition will be able to easily get back on their feet. We were in 2 cars and we left one at the bottom - this trick reduced the way back on our feet with small children.
Jack Djemal on Google

I am not rating the parking lot! 5 stars go to the trek through the gorge down to the beautiful beach.
Matteo Cella on Google

Park here then spend one hour to walk to Kato Zakros beach for a Beer. You will find taxi to get back to the car for approximately 12 euro.

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