Polytimi Pottery - Vasilissis Olgas 17

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Polytimi Pottery

Address :

Vasilissis Olgas 17, Nafplio 211 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +799
Postal code : 211
Website : http://polytimi-pottery.com/
Categories :

Vasilissis Olgas 17, Nafplio 211 00, Greece
A Sk on Google

Fotis Choudalas on Google

Georgios Manginas on Google

Olivia Sas on Google

alina on Google

Pato on Google

En una de las dos callecitas dentro del casco antiguo que atraviesan la ciudad, y llena de restaurantes, está esta tienda de piezas de cerámica que la propia dueña crea, algunas piezas francamente bonitas y originales. Muy bien de precio. Hay que ir a conocer la tienda.
In one of the two streets within the old town that run through the city, and full of restaurants, is this shop of ceramic pieces that the owner herself creates, some really beautiful and original pieces. Very well priced. You have to go see the store.
Eduard López Suller on Google

És un lloc amb ceràmica realment diferent i original. La majoria són pots per encendre espelmes amb forats. Quan esta fosc l'habitació s'omple de punts de llum que donen un toc romàntic a la sala. Van explicarnos que envíen a tot el món. El preu és una mica més elevat que en una altra botiga però val la pena
It is a place with really different and original pottery. Most are pots for lighting candles with holes. When it is dark the room is filled with points of light that give a romantic touch to the room. They told us to send it all over the world. The price is a bit higher than in another store but it's worth it
Homo Arboreal on Google

Polytimi's pieces give me shivers of joy. They are so inspiring! Her shop too. Exquisite! The essence of art! Nafplion at its best!

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