Road Rider Rent a Moto - Road Rider Rent a Moto

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Adamas 848 01, Greece

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Adamas 848 01, Greece
Thomas K on Google

A ce jour le mercredi 11 octobre nous avons loue un buggy blanc le seul d'ailleurs De cette compagny , le patron de l établissements un petit monsieur mal rasé très malpoli et tres agressif, une fois le contrat signée le patron s'est permis de me demander 500 euro en espèces, quand je lui est dit non et s'est mis me crier dessus, un vrai voleur mais cela n est pas tres grave à la limite , une fois sur la route ces la que je me suis aperçue de la supercherie très dangereuse ( danger de mort pour moi et les occupant Du buggy) les rétroviseur ne tenait pas , pas de frein à main présent. Sur les freins de la voiture il ne freine qu'a peine l'arrière de la voiture , au niveau des clignotant il sont juste présent mais la encore il ne marche pas , pour ce qui De la jauge du carburant elle tout le temps le niveau plein meme apres 100 km parcourue , les deux ceintures de sécurité sont juste la pour faire décoration, pour la boite de vitesse alors la il vaut mieux avoir fait de la musculation avant car c'est tres dur pas de passer la premiere vitesse on passe directement à la deuxième , enfin lorsque j ai ramener le véhicule le fameux patron a fais le tour du véhicule est c est permis de me demander 250 euro !! Chose que j ai refuser , enfin moyen pour une societer De location
To date, Wednesday, October 11, we have rented a white buggy, the only one by the way. ask me 500 euro in cash, when I said no and started yelling at me, a real thief but it is not very serious at the limit, once on the road these the that I noticed the very dangerous deception (danger of death for me and the occupants of the buggy) the rear view mirror did not hold, no handbrake present. On the brakes of the car it barely brakes the rear of the car, at the turn signals it is just present but again it does not work, as for the fuel gauge it all the time full even after 100 km traveled, the two seat belts are just there to decorate, for the gearbox then it is better to have done weight training before because it is very hard not to pass the first speed we pass directly at the second, finally when I bring the vehicle the famous boss went around the vehicle is c is allowed to ask me 250 euro !! Thing that I refuse, finally means for a rental company
anne sophie jonquet on Google

Expérience très négative, en un mot escroc. Le responsable de cette agence, est très agressif et malhonnête. Paiement (25€/jour pour un scooter plutôt branlant - mais ils le sont tous...) et caution (200€) exigés en espèces, pas de constat sur le scooter au départ et accusation à l’arrivee d’une dégradation d’un rétroviseur : retenue de 100€ sur la caution de 200. Après une heure d’attente, caution restituée pendant l’appel à l’ambassade. A fuir absolument !!
Very negative experience, in a word crook. The manager of this agency is very aggressive and dishonest. Payment (25 € / day for a rather rickety scooter - but they are all ...) and deposit (200 €) required in cash, no statement on the scooter at departure and accusation on arrival of a degradation of '' a rear-view mirror: deduction of € 100 from the deposit of 200. After waiting for an hour, deposit returned during the call to the embassy. To avoid absolutely !!
Guillaume Dubois on Google

FUYEZ ! Établissement a l’image de son gérant. Accueil froid, désagréable et antipathique. Scooter loué 3 jours en très mauvais état (freins défectueux, allumage compliqué, rétroviseur pas stable). Pas de Check du scooter lors de la prise de location. De plus, le responsable et sa femme se prennent pour des dieux Grecs et n’ont aucun sens de la relation client. Le petit monsieur (responsable) est définitivement la pire personne rencontrée en Grèce. Si vous avez le choix d’aller ailleurs, faites le! Pour finir, il nous a facturé un rétroviseur 22,50€ qui était déjà endommagé… sans devis ni négociation possible. Monsieur : faites réviser vos scooters avant de les louer pour la sécurité de vos clients !
RUN AWAY ! Establishment in the image of its manager. Cold, unpleasant and unfriendly welcome. Scooter rented for 3 days in very poor condition (defective brakes, complicated ignition, unstable mirror). No Check of the scooter when taking the rental. In addition, the manager and his wife think they are Greek gods and have no sense of customer relationship. The little man (manager) is definitely the worst person I have met in Greece. If you have the choice to go elsewhere, do it! Finally, he invoiced us for a € 22.50 mirror which was already damaged… without an estimate or possible negotiation. Sir: have your scooters serviced before renting them for the safety of your customers!
Marta Luque Garrido on Google

We got stuck in the middle of the roas with our scooter and we were calling for around 30 minutes with any call back.
Miguel García-Amado on Google

Awfull service, old vehicles. They’re rude, agressive and cocky. Everything everyone is saying is true, I wish I had read these reviews before renting. I wish local authorities close this place down.
C C on Google

Very aggressive and bad service. Once we paid he asked 500e deposit. He should have asked before. The breaks on the quad were broken. And this is more expensive than any other place.
Alan Jackson on Google

This company is not to be used. One of the owners is short guy who has "small man syndrome" he shouts and swears at his customers just like a little Jack Russell barking all day. He is rude and sarcastic, if he we're a match for any man he would be taken outside and taught a lesson but it would be like hitting a child. I spoke with the tourist information centre who straight away knew this guy and confirmed he is known for his behaviour, they apologised on behalf of Milos as he lets the island of down everyday with his ranting and terrible attitude. The bikes this company rent out are old tired scooters and quads that are dangerous and very poorly maintained hence the enormous amount of complaints they receive. While I was there I saw two couples being told to F--k off because they dared to complain about the bike they had rented not having workable brakes, they were also refused a refund. On one occasion a customer called the police who confirmed it was not the first time they had been called out because of this persons actions towards customers. There are lots of good honest scooter rental places on Milos but for your own safety and holiday karma do yourself a favour and do not use this company.

We had a terrible experience. Besides the owner being extremely rude and agressive - shouting things like "Who the f*** told you to do this" and "You, hurry up. I'm a very busy man" - they lost both our ID and Driver's license and kept assuring they had already handed it back. We kindly ask them to check if they had it somewhere around the store, and did absolutely nothing to help us. Instead, they felt and urgent need to swipe the floor and potter around like nothing had happened. We lost our patience. It wasn't until we saw people coming in and told them to go find another quad / scooter car rental service that they took us seriously. They got quite mad at us for making them lose customers. In the end, it was us who found our documentation lying somewhere on the floor. Also, the quad was in a poor condition, brakes didn't work properly and it took ages for the engine to start.

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