Simonitiko Apartments - Αγία Κυριακή

2.3/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Simonitiko Apartments

Address :

Αγία Κυριακή, Neos Marmaras 630 81, Greece

Phone : 📞 +997
Postal code : 630
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Categories :

Αγία Κυριακή, Neos Marmaras 630 81, Greece
Just9814 Damn on Google

Adrian Cirlan on Google

Ιωάννα Σ. on Google

simela xionidi on Google

Dionisia Akratou on Google

'Ηταν η χειρότερη διαμονή μου σε διακοπές, μείναμε τέσσαρα βράδια αυτές τις τέσσερες μέρες δεν μπήκε ποτέ καθαρίστρια , ήμασταν με τις ίδιες πετσέτες, δεν υπήρχαν σακουλάκια να αλλάξουμε στο μπάνιο. Το δώματιο ήταν ένα επί ένα ! Ίντερνετ δεν έπιανε με τίποτα στο δωμάτιο. Η κράτησή μας δεν είχε σημειωθεί και έψαχναν δωμάτιο τελευταία στιγμή , ενώ η προκαταβολή είχε μπει κανονικά την ημέρα που μας είπαν. Η απόσταση είναι 13χλμ από τον νέο μαρμαρά και οχι 6 που λένε! Επειδή αρκετές δικαιολογίες ήταν λόγω covid δεν έγινε καμία ενημέρωση για το πώς λειτουργεί το συγκρότημα με αποτέλεσμα να καταλήξουμε στο συμπέρασμα ότι ήταν πολλά τα λεφτά για αυτό που αντικρίζουμε και που μας παρέχουν
It was my worst stay on vacation, we stayed four nights these four days a cleaner never came in, we were with the same towels, there were no bags to change in the bathroom. The room was one by one! Internet was not available in the room. Our reservation was not made and they were looking for a room at the last minute, while the deposit was normally entered on the day we were told. The distance is 13km from the new marble and not 6 they say! Because there were several excuses due to covid, no information was made about how the band works, so we came to the conclusion that there was a lot of money for what we face and that they provide us.

Άφιξη στις 15:00 (όπως ζητήθηκε) και ο πρώτος άνθρωπος που ήρθε να μας υποδεχτεί ήταν ένας εργάτης χωραφιών(δεν μας φταίει σε τίποτα ο άνθρωπος)κατά τις 16:00 αφού τότε τελείωσε τις υπόλοιπες δουλειές που του είχε αναθέσει το αφεντικό.(τις επόμενες ημέρες άλλο ένα ζευγάρι ταξιδιωτών μας ρωτήσανε άν υπάρχει υπεύθυνος για check in κι ενώ περιμένανε με τις βαλίτσες τους έξω στον ήλιο στις 17:00) Το κλιματιστικό δεν δούλευε από την πρώτη στιγμή με εσωτερική θερμοκρασία δωματίου 32°. Σε παράκληση για επισκευή του διορθώθηκε πρόχειρα για ένα βράδυ και από την επόμενη το πρωί πάλι τα ίδια(προφανώς είχε διαρροή του φρέον. ).Σε δεύτερη παρατήρηση μας για το ίδιο θέμα ο ιδιοκτήτης (μόνο τηλεφωνικά ) μας απάντησε ειρωνικά πως δεν μπορεί να ασχοληθεί ξανά μαζί μας. 5 ημέρες στο κατάλυμα και δεν είδαμε να καθαρίζετε τίποτα καθώς και δεν αλλάχτηκαν ποτέ σεντόνια & πετσέτες. Υπήρξαν κι άλλες αρνητικές λεπτομέρειες αλλά μάλλον δεν έχουν σημασία. Μιλάμε για παντελή έλλειψη επαγγελματισμού και ανθρωπιάς. Κρίμα...ότι χειρότερο έχουμε δεί με συνδυασμό πολλών αρνητικών πραγμάτων!
Arrival at 15:00 (as requested) and the first person who came to greet us was a field worker (the man is not to blame for anything) at 16:00 after he finished the rest of the work assigned to him by the boss. in the following days another couple of travelers asked us if there was a person in charge of check in and while they were waiting with their suitcases out in the sun at 17:00) The air conditioner did not work from the first moment with an internal room temperature of 32 °. In a request for repair it was temporarily fixed for one night and from the next morning again the same (obviously there was a leak of freon.). In our second remark on the same issue the owner (only by phone) answered ironically that he can not deal with us again. 5 days in the accommodation and we did not see you clean anything as well as never changed sheets & towels. There were other negative details but they probably do not matter. We are talking about a complete lack of professionalism and humanity. Too bad ... the worst we have seen with a combination of many negative things!
Olga Sid on Google

The most HORRIBLE sojourn I've ever experienced!!! We arrived at the accommodation 1-2 hours later than the check-in and the cleaning staff had just started cleaning our room. Furthermore, the said staff, in the middle of a pandemic, were not wearing masks. What else is there to say about that? Another thing that I would like to highlight is that the room was poorly equipped, meaning that the kitchen supplies and cookware were limited and rather non-existent. Moreover, as I mentioned earlier upon our arrival at the site we were met with the staff "cleaning" our room and I wrote cleaning in quotations because the job they did shouldn't be considered cleaning. Needless to say that the condition of the bathroom was unsanitary, the bathroom was full of traces from the previous tenant. The shower drain had not been cleaned and hairs from the previous tenant were still there. We only lasted 2 days with such poor living conditions. I would also like to comment on the fact that not even once during our stay did the cleaning staff come to clean our room. Another thing worth mentioning is that the TV screen was extremely dirty and there were red lines on the screen making it hard to watch the TV. To top it all off the room was full of insects. To exemplify, we found a huge spider on our bed, which was quite uncomfortable itself as the mattress was hard as a rock. Honestly, sleeping on bricks seemed a great alternative and a more comfortable at that. Finally, the internet service was very poor and the host was extremely rude and unpleasant.

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