Σπάγγος Μικρολίμανο (Spággos) - Akti Koumoundourou 18

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Σπάγγος Μικρολίμανο (Spággos)

Address :

Akti Koumoundourou 18, Pireas 185 33, Greece

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 185
Website : http://www.spaggosmikrolimano.com/
Categories :

Akti Koumoundourou 18, Pireas 185 33, Greece
Ivaylo Marinov on Google

Very delicious! Great view from the terrace. We stopped by for a late lunch. As it’s out of season restaurant was not full. Waiter was polite and very fast acting guy. If you like fish and Mediterranean food - this is the place for you although my colleague enjoyed a lot the pork stake as well :) Definitely I recommend the place. Mussels with mustard sauce- something you must try. Greek salad, calamari, sea bass and shrimps - great! Enjoy your visit!
Mary on Google

At first polite and nice man who offers his expertise and suggests good service followed by very mediocre food extremely overpriced. There are many nice places in Athens to spoil your day by attending the place of pathetic thiefs.
Marca Hiller on Google

Buyer beware - we ate lunch at Spaggos restaurant along the waterfront in Piraeus. Our bad that we didn’t ask for a menu. The waiter suggested the sea bass along with salad, prawns, and calamari. One order split between three people was 210 euros! The fish alone was 117! ? For lunch!! We learned an expensive lesson - ask how much before the waiter suggests a meal to you. I wanted to pass it along. It appears that after reading Google reviews, after the fact, that our driver might have received a cut off of us too. ☹️
Alesa Nance on Google

Charged £220 for a set menu, 117 for a sea bream. Tourist trap, don’t allow them to bring out food without seeing a menu. The prawns were not fresh but this fish was good. Don’t allow them to curate your menu for you as they will rip you off.
Tim Mc Carthy on Google

RIP off. Dont go here! This is a scam restaurant. Taxi driver dropped us here. €46 for 8 prawns. €71 for one fish. The bill was €146 and we didn't get everthing on the bill. Waiter ignored us once we had ordered and started questioning the bill. I only paid €120 as that's still the most expensive meal for the tiny amount of food we got. The owner said it was the best value on the strip. This restaurant should be reported to the police!!!
Thomas Müller on Google

We enjoyed the view to the harbor. But we had to wait 2 hours for our food. The lobster tasted not fresh (more like defrosted). My dish arrived with french fries instead with tomatoes and onions. After 3 times asking to bring the right dish, we gave up and paid. At least we got a small discount of 5 Euros.
Josin Hu on Google

Against better judgement I was talked into dining by the proprietor. The overall character of the restaurant felt unwelcoming, old, and trashy but we still decided to give it a shot. Although the service was alright and they were quick when serving our table, in hindsight it was clear that they tried to push the most expensive items of the menu onto us. They even brought out a big platter of supposedly 'fresh' fish and tried their utmost best having us order what would have certainly cost hundreds or euros. We ended up served very stale bread as well as a beetroot salad and lemons past their freshness. We were given tap water disguised as bottled water and charged 3 euros for it. The seafood salad we ordered was well below standards and similarly past its freshness. It was a soggy, unappealing mess which does not hold a candle to the otherwise superb and fresh salads which we've had at other restaurants in Greece. As for the main course we ordered a seafood platter of grilled fishes. Expecting a full meal, we instead had to wait surprisingly long for just a basket of unseasoned fish; no sides, no vegetables, no sauce, nothing else but grilled fish. We had to do with the provided table salt and pepper. Ended up paying through our noses for this, 50 euros. "Greek prices" my arse as the proprietor liked to assure you. Didn't even have Iced tea and the Coca-Cola tasted off. Not to forget that the toilets stank badly and they even had a condom machine. I never write reviews but as of 5 days later we are still suffering from food poisoning with the ultimate victim being our toilets. DO NOT BELIEVE THE OTHER FIVE STAR REVIEWS.
JK O on Google

WORLD CLASS RIP OFF!!! Cab driver recommended. Obviously paid. Host suggested lunch for four. Shrimp, squid and snapper plus suggested great wine at great price. The food and wine were fair at best. Lunch for four, 380 Euros. This is the only meal we had in Athens that wasn’t absolutely outstanding. Huge sham. Stay as far away as possible.

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