Statue of Diogenes and Alexander - Meg. Alexandrou

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Contact Statue of Diogenes and Alexander

Address :

Meg. Alexandrou, Korinthos,Greece

Categories :
City : Korinthos

Meg. Alexandrou, Korinthos,Greece
Anthony Smith on Google


La conversa entre Diògenes i Alexandre Magne: Alexandre li va dir que li demanés el que volgués que li donaria i ell li va contestar que s'apartés que li tapava el Sol
The conversation between Diogenes and Alexander the Great: Alexander told him to ask him what he wanted him to give him and he replied that he would turn away from the Sun
A. D. R. on Google

Statue magnifique de Diogène de Sinope avec Alexandre le Grand. Elle représente le moment où le jeune Alexandre le Grand vient voir Diogène pour lui demander s'il pouvait lui offrir quelque chose pour répondre il a eu de Diogène cette fameuse réplique >. une visite intéressante pour tous les amoureux de la philosophie.
Magnificent statue of Diogenes of Sinope with Alexander the Great. It represents the moment when the young Alexander the Great comes to see Diogenes to ask him if he could offer him something to answer he had from Diogenes this famous replica >. an interesting visit for all lovers of philosophy.

Πανέμορφα αγάλματα θυμίζουν μια στιγμή στην ιστορία. Η τοποθεσία μοναδική δίπλα στην παραλία
Beautiful statues remind of a moment in history. The location is unique next to the beach
세네카 on Google

디오게네스가 알렉산더 대왕이 필요한 게 없냐고 묻자 햇빛이 가리니까 비켜달라는 일화를 디오게네스의 고향이자 그가 죽은 곳으로 추정되는 이 곳에 동상을 세웠다. 철학에 관심이 있는 사람에게는 최고의 장소.
When Diogenes asked if he needed Alexander the Great, he set up an anecdote where Diogenes was home to Diogenes, where he was supposed to be dead. People who are interested in philosophy for the best place.
sun tzu on Google

Εξαιρετικό σύμπλεγμα, ο αρχαίος φιλόσοφος Διογένης ο οποίος ζητά από τον μεγάλο στρατηλάτη να μην του κρύβει τον ήλιο! Η γνωστή ιστορία, ένα ακόμη αξιοθέατο που δίνει χαρακτήρα στην πόλη της Κορίνθου, μιας όμορφης πόλης που έχει ακόμη αρκετά να κάνει, κυρίως στο θέμα της προβολής, ώστε να αναδειχθεί ως τουριστικός προορισμός.
An exceptional complex, the ancient philosopher Diogenes who asks the great recruiter not to hide the sun from him! The well-known history, another attraction that gives character to the city of Corinth, a beautiful city that still has a lot to do, especially in terms of promotion, to emerge as a tourist destination.

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