The Best Rent a bike & ATV

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Contact The Best Rent a bike & ATV

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Unnamed Rd,, Psarrou 846 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +89787
Postal code : 846
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Unnamed Rd,, Psarrou 846 00, Greece
Miguel Fernández Martínez on Google

Chicos muy simpáticos. Alquilamos un quad, nos vinieron a buscar al hotel y, al irnos, simplemente dejamos las llaves en el mismo hotel. Nos dejaron probar diferentes motos y quads y nos enseñaron a manejarlo. Precios estándar de la isla. Recomendables
Very nice guys. We rented a quad, they came to pick us up at the hotel, and when we left, we just left the keys at the hotel. They let us try different bikes and quads and taught us to drive it. Island standard prices. Recommendable
Ivar Pérez on Google

No tengo palabras para describir la experiencia que tuvimos. Solo puedo explicar que era nuestra primera vez que visitábamos Mykonos y no sabía lo complicado que era moverse dentro de la isla, no hicimos reserva previa ni de coche ni de quad, sin embargo el personal de the best, fueron amables y tenían a disposición un par de ellos y nos rentaron uno sin previa reserva. Justo esa noche decidimos ir al centro y disfrutar de una tarde agradable y por consiguiente la noche en uno de sus bares, por lo que dejamos el quad en el parking público de windmills, donde lo deja la gran mayoría de personas. Nuestra mayor sorpresa fue que cuando quisimos regresar a por el, había desparecido. Nos fuimos hasta las oficinas y ellos estuvieron prestos a empezar la búsqueda. Horas más tarde me acerqué a las dependencias y me facilitaron otro quad, por lo que nos comprometimos a ayudarles en la búsqueda que resultó infructuosa. Fueron muy conscientes con la situación poco habitual, según nos explicaron y consideraron que no fue nuestra culpa y que solo nos limitáramos a continuar con nuestras vacaciones, por lo que no nos colocaron pega alguna para devolverme mi licencia de conducción ni tampoco nos hicieron pagar ninguna multa por el robo sufrido. Más que satisfechos, estamos muy agradecidos y solo espero que puedan encontrar el vehículo pronto. Gracias
Words cannot describe the experience we had. I can only explain that it was our first time visiting Mykonos and I did not know how complicated it was to get around the island, we did not pre-book a car or a quad bike, however the best staff were friendly and had a couple of them and they rented us one without prior reservation. Just that night we decided to go downtown and enjoy a pleasant afternoon and therefore the night in one of its bars, so we left the quad in the windmills public parking lot, where the vast majority of people left it. Our biggest surprise was that when we wanted to go back for it, it had disappeared. We went to the offices and they were ready to start the search. Hours later I went to the premises and they provided me with another quad, so we promised to help them in the search, which was unsuccessful. They were very aware of the unusual situation, as they explained to us and they considered that it was not our fault and that we only limited ourselves to continuing with our vacations, so they did not place any hit to return my driving license nor did they make us pay any fine for theft suffered. More than satisfied, we are very grateful and I just hope they can find the vehicle soon. Thank you
Noemi Esposito on Google

GIORGIO È ECCEZIONALE, sono quasi dieci anni che lo conosco e ogni volta che ritorno a Mykonos non posso che affidarmi a lui e al suo lavoro. Disponibilità, presenza, qualità e professione. Un signore insomma. Scegliete THE BEST RENT E BIKE SE ANDATE A MYKONOS!!!!
GIORGIO IS EXCEPTIONAL, I've known him for almost ten years and every time I return to Mykonos I can only rely on him and his work. Availability, presence, quality and profession. A gentleman in short. Choose THE BEST RENT AND BIKE IF YOU GO TO MYKONOS !!!!
Raffaele Palma on Google

Sono stato quasi una decina di volte a Mykonos e per fortuna durante la mia seconda esperienza sull'isola ho conosciuto Giorgio. Diverso dalla maggior parte delle persone che vi noleggiano un mezzo solo sperando possiate avere qualche problema per estorcervi più soldi, anzi, lo troverete sempre a disposizione per risolvere ogni situazione. Ah, ho dimenticato la cosa più importante: i prezzi sono ben al di sotto rispetto a quelli medi dell'isola. Insomma, vi potete fidare, THE BEST di nome e di fatto.
I've been to Mykonos a dozen times and luckily I met Giorgio during my second experience on the island. Unlike most people who rent you a vehicle only hoping you may have some problems to extort more money from you, indeed, you will always find it available to solve any situation. Ah, I forgot the most important thing: the prices are well below the average ones on the island. In short, you can trust, THE BEST in name and in fact.
Mary G on Google

The BEST rentals in Mykonos!!!??❤??
Matteo Tovo on Google

Best scooter rental in town, very professional and kind, couldn’t ask any better!!
Ματθαίος Κουκουζέλης on Google

Best value for money renting in mykonos. I ve rent a scooter in exelent condition, also the service was great and very kind :)
Fernando Gómez on Google

We rented a motorbike and they gave us an old, low power and weird-sound one. After a couple of hours we had to return it because it wasn't even able to get uphill properly. They didn't want to return the money although we were returning the motorbike with almost full deposit, after a while arguing they gave us some of the money. They are rude and sloopy.

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