The little train Tour - The little train Tour

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Contact The little train Tour

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Panormos 740 52, Greece

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Panormos 740 52, Greece

Parcours sympa Mais il faut toujours payer en plus entrée pour reptiland entré grotte ... Pas d arret dans les villages pour faire des achats A faire tout de même
Nice course But you always have to pay in addition entry to reptiland entered cave ... No stop in the villages to make purchases To do all the same
Marcel Hanschmann on Google

Schöne nette Fahrt. Ein wenig durchgeschüttelt. Fahrt für Familien nach Panormos etwas teurer 18 euro für insgesamt ca. 7km hin und zurück
Nice nice ride. Shaken a little. Trip for families to Panormos a little more expensive 18 euros for a total of about 7km there and back
Cécile VU on Google

Horrible, à fuire. 100% Arnaque 17,50€ / adulte le tour de petit train sans précision que chaque arrêts l'entrée pour "l'activité" proposée est payant. Le guide donne des informations complètement médiocre. C'est dommage car l'idée de ce tour est bonne
Horrible, to be avoided. 100% scam € 17.50 / adult for the little train ride without specifying that each stop the entry for the proposed "activity" is not free. The guide gives completely poor information. It's a shame because the idea of ​​this tour is good
Christian Barth on Google

The little Train Tour können wir voll weiterempfehlen. Damit kommt man günstig zu div. Sehenswürdigkeiten rund um Panormo. Man wird direkt bei den 4 großen Hotels westlich von Panormo abgeholt. Die freundlichen Reiseleiter sprechen gut deutsch, englisch, französisch und russisch. Mit dem kleinen Zug ist man gemütlich unterwegs und bekommt viel von der schönen Gegend mit.
We can fully recommend The little Train Tour. So you can get cheap to various sights around Panormo. You will be picked up directly at the 4 large hotels west of Panormo. The friendly tour guides speak good German, English, French and Russian. With the little train you can travel comfortably and get a lot of the beautiful area.
Ihab Al-Qutob on Google

My wife and I booked a tour with our 2 children (3 year old girl and 1 year old boy). We were less than 5 minutes on The Little Train Tour when my daughter (3 year old) threw up. My wife and I decided to leave, because she was full with vomit. We were told that we would get our money back. We paid in cash. I went to the office of this company around 4p.m. in the afternoon and was told to come back later between 7p.m. and 9p.m, because the boss would be there at that time. So I went back around 8p.m. I was offered that my family and I could go again on Friday or Saturday, but we didn't have the time. It seemed that they didn't want to give me any money back. So I asked for my money back (35€). I was told that the best that they could do is give me only half of the money back, because of Greece's taxes. So I said,"because of the taxes of Greece is more important than a family with a little girl who got sick"!!!!!!! Meine Frau und ich buchten eine Tour mit unseren 2 Kindern (3-jähriges Mädchen und 1-jähriger Junge). Wir waren weniger als 5 Minuten auf der Little Train Tour, als meine Tochter (3 Jahre alt) sich übergeben musste. Meine Frau und ich beschlossen zu gehen, weil sie voller Erbrochenem war. Uns wurde gesagt, dass wir unser Geld zurückbekommen. Wir haben bar bezahlt. Ich ging gegen 16 Uhr in das Büro dieser Firma. am Nachmittag und sollte später zwischen 19:00 Uhr wiederkommen. und 21 Uhr, weil der Chef um diese Zeit da wäre. Also ging ich gegen 20 Uhr zurück. Mir wurde angeboten, dass meine Familie und ich am Freitag oder Samstag wieder hinfahren könnten, aber wir hatten keine Zeit. Es schien, als wollten sie mir kein Geld zurückgeben. Also verlangte ich mein Geld zurück (35€). Mir wurde gesagt, dass sie mir wegen der griechischen Steuern nur die Hälfte des Geldes zurückgeben könnten. Also sagte ich: "Wegen der Steuern ist Griechenland wichtiger als eine Familie mit einem kleinen Mädchen, das krank wurde"!!!!!!!
My wife and I booked a tour with our 2 children (3 year old girl and 1 year old boy). We were less than 5 minutes on The Little Train Tour when my daughter (3 year old) threw up. My wife and I decided to leave, because she was full with vomit. We were told that we would get our money back. We paid in cash. I went to the office of this company around 4p.m. in the afternoon and was told to come back later between 7p.m. and 9 p.m, because the boss would be there at that time. So I went back around 8p.m. I was offered that my family and I could go again on Friday or Saturday, but we didn't have the time. It seemed that they didn't want to give me any money back. So I asked for my money back (€ 35). I was told that the best that they could do is give me only half of the money back, because of Greece's taxes. So I said, "because of the taxes of Greece is more important than a family with a little girl who got sick" !!!!!!! My wife and I booked a tour with our 2 children (3 year old girl and 1 year old boy). We were on the Little Train Tour for less than 5 minutes when my daughter (3 year old) vomited. My wife and I decided to leave because she was covered in vomit. We were told we would get our money back. We paid cash. I went to this company's office around 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon and should come back later between 7:00 p.m. and 9 p.m., because the boss would be there at that time. So I went back around 8pm. I was offered that my family and I could go back on Friday or Saturday, but we didn't have time. It seemed like they didn't want to give me any money back. So I asked for my money back (€ 35). I was told they could only give me back half the money because of the Greek taxes. So I said: "Because of the taxes, Greece is more important than a family with a little girl who got sick" !!!!!!!
Arkadiusz Jakubowski on Google

Polecam, bardzo fajna atrakcja dla małych dzieci.
John Silver on Google

Absolute Empfehlung. Wir haben die Tour nach Melidoni mitgemacht. Zuerst eine Ölmühle ( informativ) , dann Reptilienland ( lohnt sich weil man die Tiere auch mal anfassen darf) und dann die Höhle von Melidoni. Gute Erklärungen, kurzweilige Fahrt..also alles perfekt.
Absolute recommendation. We took part in the tour to Melidoni. First an oil mill (informative), then reptile land (worth it because you can touch the animals) and then the cave of Melidoni. Good explanations, short journey... so everything perfect.
Jo on Google

Nous avons choisi de faire le tour allant à Margarites. Les paysages sont agréable. Le guide parle plusieurs langue dont le Français. Le temps est peut être un peu long sur certaines haltes. Les enfants en bas âge ne payent pas, et c'est plus sympa à faire que dans un bus
We chose to do the tour going to Margarites. The landscapes are pleasant. The guide speaks several languages ​​including French. The time may be a bit long at some stops. Toddlers don't pay, and it's more fun to do than on a bus

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