Villa Efthalia - Villa Efthalia

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Villa Efthalia

Address :

Nidri 000 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +978
Postal code : 000
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Nidri 000 00, Greece
Sebastian Taerel on Google

Cea mai proasta experienta! Propietara nu stie nicio limba straina,doar greaca.Este foarte rasista si agresiva. Am stabilit cu propietara data si camera online,apoi am platit un avans de 60€ in Alphabank pentru a CONFIRMA prezenta si faptul ca dorim sa stam acolo. Ajuns la destinatie ,am observat ca nu era nimic precum in poze,camerele erau invechite,mobila facea diferite sunete,dulapul nu avea rafturi pentru depozitarea hainelor(doar umerase),aerul conditionat era in camera,doar ca facea un zgomot foarte puternic si era foarte invechit(de asemenea propietara ne facuse program pentru folosirea aerului,nu aveam voie sa il folosim cat suntem la baie sau cat suntem putin plecati,doar cand eram jn pat). Locurile de parcare nu existau,desi propietara ne specificase clar ca exista locuri de parcare,singurul fiind la 2 strazi departare intr-o portiune plina de iarba. Intr-un final eram dispusi sa acceptam conditiile ,deoarece dupa 1000+ KM parcursi pana la destinatie ,eram obositi si nu voiam sa ne gasim o alta cazare la ora 20:00 ,dar nici sa dormim in masina sau alte locuri nesigure.Din pacate nu am putut face acest lucru,propietara ne-a cerut buletinele tuturor pentru “a avea incredere” ,lucru foarte deranjant,deoarece pe buletine sunt datele noastre personale(aveam nevoie la vama,la inchirieri ,in cazul unei amenzi,etc),plus ca platisem deja un avans in cont si mai facusem si 1000+ KM,asa ca automat doream sa stam acolo.(acest lucru fiind cel mai deranjant,deorece daca un om face atatea lucruri pentru a ajunge la destinatie,automat doreste sa stea acolo,doar ca probabil dansa voia sa se asigure ca stam acolo daca gasim conditii mai bune) Intr-un final a trebuit sa ne cautam la ora 22:00 cazare ,deorece la aceasta doamna nu s-a putut sta. In ultimul rand ,propietara sterge si recenziile proaste,la mine este a doua oara cand postez aceasta recenzie pentru a ajuta oameni sa nu fie tepuiti cum am fost si eu.
The worst experience! The owner does not know any foreign language, only Greek. She is very racist and aggressive. I agreed with the owner of the date and the room online, then I paid an advance of € 60 in Alphabank to CONFIRM the presence and the fact that we want to stay there. Arriving at the destination, I noticed that it was nothing like in the pictures, the rooms were outdated, the furniture made different sounds, the closet had no shelves for storing clothes (only hangers), the air conditioning was in the room, only it made a very loud noise and was very old (also the owner had made a program for us to use the air, we were not allowed to use it while we were in the bathroom or when we were a little gone, only when we were in bed). There were no parking spaces, although the owner had made it clear that there were parking spaces, the only one being 2 blocks away in a grassy area. In the end we were willing to accept the conditions, because after 1000+ KM traveled to the destination, we were tired and did not want to find another accommodation at 20:00, but not to sleep in the car or other unsafe places. Unfortunately we could not do this, the owner asked us all the bulletins to "trust", which is very annoying, because the bulletins are our personal data (we needed customs, rent, in case of a fine, etc.), plus that I had already paid an advance on my account and had done 1000+ KM, so I automatically wanted to stay there. only the dancer probably wanted to make sure we were there if we found better conditions) In the end, we had to look for accommodation at 22:00, because we couldn't stay with this lady. Lastly, the owner also deletes bad reviews, this is my second time posting this review to help people not be as stung as I was.
Manuela on Google

Positif: L accueil excellent et famille très agréable, le petit déjeuner en chambre excellent tous les jours différents. Xristina toujours la pour veiller à ce qu il ne vous manque de rien et de bon conseil, une belle personne remplie de sympathie a l image de ses parents et de sa sœur. La piscine a proximité de la chambre, la situation géographique.
Malcolm on Google

Positive: Very friendly owners, they even gave us 2 bottles of home made red wine, very nicectoo.
B user on Google

Positive: Perfect location, 5 min walk from the port with restraints and bars. 10 min from lovely beach with clear waters..
Karl on Google

Positive: Breakfast included! Clean room, friendly owners, nice swimmingpool. Walking distance to the center of Nidri. Free parking.
Vladimir Čarapić on Google

Very good villa near center of Nidri. Oweners are pleasant. Villa is located 150 meters from the beach. My room was clean. On day 5 I've got new bed sheets. There is a cleaning lady who is emptying garbage cans every day. All rooms are climatised. Rooms are also equiped with TV, dishes, cutlery, cooker, wardrobe. Also every room has a terrace. There is free parking included but it's location is 100 meters from villa, and it needs some work to be adequte. You can use englesh when talk with oweners but their knowledge is limited to basic comunication. I reccomend this villa.
Jean on Google

Positive: Very warm welcome, very pleasant family,. Our hostess looked after our comfort and was of good advice, really a nice person The swimming pool near the room, the geographical location.
Ruxandra on Google

Positive: Everything was perfect. The hosts are amazing. The room was very clean. The breakfast was very good and diversified. I highly recomand the bottom floor if you have a kid because he can go into the pool from the terrace of the studio and you can watch him at all times.. Negative: -.

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