Wave Travel Agency - Nikis 10

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Wave Travel Agency

Address :

Nikis 10, Paralia 601 00, Greece

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Website : http://www.wavetravel.gr/
Categories :

Nikis 10, Paralia 601 00, Greece
Brandusa Pop on Google

Am avut un concediu de vis!(13 -21 iulie 2018)Multumesc si agenției din Baia Mare Expert Travel!!! Recomand cu mare drag!Multumesc ghizilor din Paralia Katerini(Bella si Silvia,ne vedem cu siguranta la anul).Va salut.
I had a dream vacation! (13 -21 July 2018) Thanks also to the agency from Baia Mare Expert Travel !!! I highly recommend! Thanks to the guides from Paralia Katerini (Bella and Silvia, see you next year for sure). Hello.
Roland Darás on Google

Mindenhol meg kell állni reggelizni stb. (4-5 euró/ pékáru) Angol idegenvezetést ígértek Ebből az lett hogy kaptunk egy angol wikipédiáról kinyomtatott szócikket, az idegenvezetés pedig végig szerbül zajlott. Lepukkant, kenyelmetlen buszok. Kösz de soha többet.
You have to have breakfast everywhere, etc. (4-5 euro / bakery) English guided tours This is how we got an article printed on an English wikipedia, and guided tour throughout Serbia. There were busy buses. Thanks but never again.
Dorumihai Dorian on Google

Am acordat doar 2 stele deoarece într-o dimineață la plecarea în excursie din vina mea am ratat autocarul la 3 min față de ora de plecare deși sunând înainte să-mi anunț întîrzierea "dar cine să răspundă " am rămas cu banii dați, lucru pe care eu nu-l cred corect. Dacă nu se mai pot returna măcar trebuia să mi se fi făcut o ofertă de altă excursie în altă zi +diferența dacă era cazul,eu așa consider dar dacă așa-i regula asta e,am scris aceste rânduri să știți și voi cei care întîrziați că nu are rost să vă mai grăbiți și nici să mai sunați că o să fie prea ocupat/ă să vă răspundă la apel sau sms.Eu am sunat la 6.25,și am ajuns la 6.33,plecarea era la 6.30.Cred că 2 stele e cam mult.
I only awarded 2 stars because one morning on the trip from my fault I missed the bus at 3 minutes from the departure time although calling before I announced the delay "but who to answer" I was left with the money, work on which I don't believe him correctly. If I can not go back at least I had to be offered another trip the other day + the difference if it was the case, I would consider it but if that's the rule, I wrote these lines to know you who are late that there is no point in rushing or calling to be too busy to answer your call or sms. I called at 6.25, and I reached 6.33, departure was at 6.30. I think 2 stars it's a lot.
Saxum on Google

Impresia pe care mi-au lăsat-o călătorind cu ei a fost că noi suntem produsul, nu clientul. S-a pierdut mult timp oprind la diferite magazine pe traseu, iar în excursii s-au făcut opriri la magazine sau restaurante cu care aveau ei înțelegere. Obiectivele în sine păreau să fie umplutura dintre opririle la magazine. Spre exemplu, când ne-au dus la Meteora, am oprit la un magazin de lângă Larissa, unde am stat 30-45 de minute, apoi ne-au dus la un atelier de pictat icoane (exuberant de scumpe), unde am stat o oră, deși s-a anunțat 45 de minute, apoi am urcat la mănăstirea Sf. Ștefan, unde am stat 45 de minute, urmată de Sf. Varlaam, unde am stat o oră jumate, iar la întoarcere am oprit o oră la un restaurant cu auto-servire (unde ne-au spus că un meniu complet costă 6 euro, dar defapt salata și desertul se plătesc separat), după care încă 30 de minute la magazinul din Larissa. În total, am stat o oră și 45 de minute la două mănăstiri din Meteora, și 3 ore la magazine/restaurante de pe traseu... A, și ca fapt divers, în excursia spre Athos, ne-au dus pe insula Ammouliani, la „singurul restaurant de pe insulă” (care defapt era singurul din partea de insulă unde ne-au dus ei, intenționat), unde a durat 10-15 minute să ne ia comanda, nu aveau aproape nimic din meniu, ne-au recomandat un pește dorados cu 14 euro, care cică ar fi pentru două persoane, deși toată lumea s-a plâns că e prea mic, și nu au fost lăsați să-și anuleze comanda. Pe insulă am avut la dispoziție 2 ore, dar după ce ne-am pierdut o oră la resturant fără să primim peștele, am plecat să ne plimbăm pe plajă măcar în timpul rămas. La întoarcere, a fugit după mine foarte nervos un chelner de la restaurant, împreuna că ghidul, și a încercat să mă taxeze 25 de euro pe peștele comandat, pe care l-a adus la pachet. Evident că i-am zis că nu plătesc, după care m-a împins peste o bordură cu flori și a început să mă lovească în față. Din fericire au venit mai mulți bărbați, și am plecat de acolo fără să plătesc, dar cu o amintire pe măsură din luna de miere. Ghidul nu era prea coerent în română, făcând multe greșeli de vorbire, dar și glume proaste, iar programul nu a fost respectat, am fost tot timpul fie în întârziere, fie ne-a spus să fim în locul respectiv mult prea devreme.
The impression they left me traveling with them was that we are the product, not the customer. A lot of time was wasted stopping at various shops along the way, and during the trips there were stops at shops or restaurants with which they had an agreement. The objectives themselves seemed to be the filling between store stops. For example, when they took us to Meteora, we stopped at a store near Larissa, where we stayed for 30-45 minutes, then they took us to an icon painting workshop (exuberantly expensive), where we stayed for a while. hour, although it was announced 45 minutes, then I went up to the monastery of St. Stephen, where I stayed 45 minutes, followed by St. Varlaam, where I stayed an hour and a half, and on the way back I stopped for an hour at a restaurant by car -service (where we were told that a full menu costs 6 euros, but in fact the salad and dessert are paid separately), then another 30 minutes at the store in Larissa. In total, I spent an hour and 45 minutes at two monasteries in Meteora, and 3 hours at shops / restaurants on the route ... Oh, and as a matter of fact, on the trip to Athos, they took us to the island of Ammouliani, to the "only restaurant on the island" (which was actually the only part of the island where they took us, intentionally), where it lasted 10-15 minutes to take our order, they had almost nothing on the menu, they recommended a golden fish for 14 euros, which is for two people, although everyone complained that it is too small, and they were not to cancel his order. We had 2 hours on the island, but after wasting an hour at the restaurant without receiving the fish, we went for a walk on the beach at least for the rest of the time. On the way back, a waiter from the restaurant ran after me very nervously, together with the guide, and tried to charge me 25 euros for the fish I ordered, which he brought with me. Obviously I told him I wasn't paying, then he pushed me over a flower border and started hitting me in the face. Fortunately, several men came, and I left without paying, but with a memory of the honeymoon. The guide was not very coherent in Romanian, making many speaking mistakes, but also bad jokes, and the schedule was not followed, we were always either late or he told us to be in that place much too early.
Maria-Rodica Leah on Google

Buna seara , De curand ne-am intors din Grecia , noi ,un grup de turisti din Rasnov,jud. Brasov - Romania . Dorim , pe aceasta cale sa multumim firmei dumneavoastra , in special d-nei SILVIA-DORINA BOLTASU , pentru frumoasele excursii care s-au organizat ,pentru cunoasterea frumusetilor si a istoriei tarii dumneavoastra . Doamna SILVIA-DORINA BOLTASU , cu mult profesionalism , talent,cunoastere si atasament ,ne-a insotit si condus in toate aceste excursii. Ne-a impresionat modul dumneaei de a ne expune lucruri interesante despre locurile pe care le-am vizitat,comportamentul impecabil,blandetea si tactul de care a dat dovada . Firma "Wave",din Paralia Caterini se poate mandri cu asemenea angajati. Felicitari si multumiri calduroase si incheiem prin a va adresa si noi invitatia de a ne vizita tara,cu locurile pitoresti , cu oameni minunati,cu traditiile si obiceiurile noastre.
Good evening , Recently, we, a group of tourists from Rasnov, jud. Brasov, Romania . We would like to thank your company, especially Mrs. SILVIA-DORINA BOLTASU, for the beautiful trips that were organized, for knowing the beauties and the history of your country. Mrs. SILVIA-DORINA BOLTASU, with a lot of professionalism, talent, knowledge and attachment, accompanied and led us in all these trips. We were impressed by her way of telling us interesting things about the places we visited, the impeccable behavior, the gentleness and tact she showed. The "Wave" company from Paralia Caterini can be proud of such employees. Warm congratulations and thanks and we conclude by inviting you to visit our country, with picturesque places, wonderful people, our traditions and customs.
Valentin Mitran on Google

Superb! Priveliștea te lasă mască!
Superb! The view leaves you masked!
Feövenyessy Nikoletta on Google

I would like to react to your lying answer. First of all we were NOT informed about the leanguages, whats more, they promised we will have an english guide. The old "lady" did not speak english at all...The younger spoke but a few english words. You printed a wikipedia article for us, so you knew we wanted english, yet you didnt tell us that we wont have any. You did not put me on your list next to Darás Roland, thats why you did not find me. The travel was 9-10 hours in total, but we actually spent 1-2 hours at the actual destination. (Meteora). Incorrect company.
Zoe Bregg on Google

We were very impressed with the service. Our tour guide Bella was wonderful. She translated for us the only English speaking travellers on the tour as well as translating for 30 romanian Speakers. She was friendly, knowledgeable and professional and made it a great trip for us. Thanks Bella@

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