Afrodite Spacious Apartments! - Miaouli

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Afrodite Spacious Apartments!

Address :

Miaouli, Ag. Effimia 280 81, Greece

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 280
Website :
Categories :

Miaouli, Ag. Effimia 280 81, Greece
Sabotajnik on Google

Положительный: Выбрали эту гостиницу из-за крайне соблазнительной цены, были готовы ко всему, но жаловаться оказалось не на что! Все просто, но чисто и комфортно. Если вы не чутко спящие, то уровень шумоизоляции вполне приемлем. Отличное расположение на тихой окраине поселка, но все необходимое в пределах 5-7 минут ходьбы, в том числе набережная с тавернами и красивейшими галечными пляжами. Агиа Эфимия отличное и удобное место для пребывания на Кефалонии..
Sabrina on Google

Positiv: Wir haben schon unseren zweiten Urlaub hier verbracht und können Afrodite Apartments zu 100 Prozent weiterempfehlen. Das Preis- Leistungs- Verhältnis ist unschlagbar. Das Appartement ist mit wirklich allem ausgestattet, was man braucht. Es liegt in einer ruhigen Straße, aber keine 5 Minuten vom Strand, der Promenade, den Restaurants und den Geschäften entfernt. Es wird regelmäßig sehr sauber gereinigt und Mina, die Gastgeberin, steht einem immer mit Rat und Tat zur Seite..
Julia on Google

Positive: Good value for money - clean.
Hugo Ferreira on Google

Amazing studios near Agia Efimia (15 minutes from Myrtos Beach and Melissani cave by car).
Eleanor on Google

Positive: Good quiet location, friendly owner, easy parking, comfy beds and good Aircon. We had a lovely balcony overlooking fields.. Negative: Nothing.
Jill on Google

Positive: Not a lot- it was in Agia Effimia which is about all that it had going for it!. Negative: It was badly run by a very uncooperative owner who tells lies. It was very noisy both from other guests, owner & her family & nearby barking dogs & building works. Rudimentary bathroom with hand held shower & gritty shower curtain. 2 balconies but neither affording peace & relaxation. Our room was right opposite the reception & at the foot of the stairs to both upstairs & downstairs.
Sarah on Google

Positive: Very basic Greek accommodation but excellent value and location. Air con included, clean and plenty of hot water. 2 minutes walk to bars and restaurants. Very pleasant host. Agia efemia is stunning with plenty of bars and restaurants and a lovely atmosphere. Negative: Beds not overly comfortable but again the accommodation is very cheap. Perfect for a few nights.
Shaun on Google

Positive: The apartment was excellent value for money, basic but enough there to do simple meals. The views up the valley are lovely, but now completely changed after the storm, still lovely though!. Negative: The once in a lifetime storm that trashed Agia Effimia! The loss of power, water and phones was challenging but hardly the fault of Afroditi..

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