Atlas Studios - ζζ

1.7/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Atlas Studios

Address :

ζζ, Argasi 291 00, Greece

Postal code : 291
Categories :

ζζ, Argasi 291 00, Greece
TheDmse on Google

Galline e sfaccimm
Hens and freckles
Augustin Capalna on Google

Am fost acolo in perioada 26.06.17-02.07.17. Spun perioada pentru ca am fost a 2-a tura de turisti la Atlas. Mam simtit incurajat de review-ul lui ANESTIS KOKKAKIS si am zis ca v-a fi bine, dar am regretat cand am ajuns. Dupa ce am ajuns acasa am observat ca review-ul era pus inainte sa se deschida localul, deci e manager sau ceva la Atlas. Mobila, patul si prosoapele in camere erau noi(singurul plus pt ei). Baia parca era din anii 1800, acum stiu de ce nu a pus poze si cu baia, usile de la bancon nu se inchideau bine si se auzea muzica de la clubul de peste drum pana foarte tarziu, apoi tavanul fiind din scanduri, cum dadea lumina se auzeau zgomote f puternice din podul cladirii (era ceva cuib de lilieci). Prima noapte am dormit 1-2 ore. Ziua urmatoare nu am gasit pe nimeni sa ne schimbe camera. A 2-a noapte am cumparat dopuri de urechi, muzica nu ne-a mai derajat asa tare, dar liliecii iar ne-au chinuit. Ziua a 3-a am primit o camera la un nivel inferior, am scapat de lilieci si usa de la balcon izola mai bine asa ca am putut dormi mai bine, baia la fel de oribila. Am umblat putin descult in camera si eram negru pe talpa. Am pus poze doar cu cele rele, cele bune le-au pus ei.
I was there during the period 26.06.17-02.07.17. I say the period because I was the second tour of tourists to Atlas. I felt encouraged by his review ANESTIS KOKKAKIS and I said you would be fine, but I was sorry when we arrived. After I got home I noticed that the review was put before opening the premises, so it's a manager or something at Atlas. The furniture, the bed and the towels in the rooms were new (the only plus for them). The bathroom looked like it was from the 1800s, now I know why it didn't take pictures and with the bathroom, the doors from the counter didn't close well and the music from the club across the road was heard until very late, then the ceiling was made of planks, as the light shone. loud noises were heard from the bridge of the building (there was some bat nest). The first night I slept 1-2 hours. The next day we didn't find anyone to change our room. The second night we bought earplugs, the music did not bother us so much, but the bats again tormented us. On the 3rd day I received a room on a lower level, I got rid of the bats and the door from the balcony insulated it better so I could sleep better, the bathroom was just as horrible. I walked a little disheveled in the room and I was black on the sole. I only put pictures with the bad ones, the good ones they put.
Capalna Simona on Google

Hotel de groaza! de evitat! foarte vechi iar curatenia este facuta superficial. Podul este plin de lilieci care se aud foarte tare noaptea la ultimul etaj. Langa hotel sunt crescute gaini. Geamurile nu se inchid bine si se aude zgomotul de afara, de la cluburi si gaini.
Horror hotel! to avoid! very old and the cleaning is superficial. The bridge is full of bats that are very loud at night on the top floor. Near the hotel are raised hens. The windows do not close well and the noise from outside is heard from clubs and chickens.
Annamaria Inserra on Google

Pessimo é poco. Pulizia scadente. Acqua calda non presente. Finestre che non si chiudevano bene. Bagno vecchissimo,con tubo che perdeva acqua e inoltre la presenza di scarafaggi. L' unico elemento buono é la posizione della hotel.
Bad is little. Poor cleaning. Hot water not present. Windows that did not close properly. Very old bathroom, with leaking pipe and also the presence of cockroaches. The only good element is the location of the hotel.
Dario Pisa on Google

Pessimo. Si segnala il pollaio sul retro con un gallo che impedisce di dormire. Il posto è sporgo con acqua calda non funzinante. Siamo fuggiti in altra struttura il terzo giorno di vacanza.
Bad. We point out the chicken coop on the back with a rooster that prevents sleeping. The place is dirty with non-functioning hot water. We fled to another facility on the third day of vacation.

Very cheap & clean rooms

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