Esperos Hotel - Esperos Hotel

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Troulos 370 02, Greece

Phone : 📞 +79
Postal code : 370
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Troulos 370 02, Greece
Raffaella Criscuolo on Google

Grande Apostolos il responsabile,sempre disponibile cortese e tempestivo.....appartamento semplice solare pulito e con giardino ottimo x chi ha zona tranquilla ma movimentata con la spiaggia di troulos a 5 minuti da casa(a piedi ) semplicemente fantastica....per chi vuole una vacanza all'insegna della scoperta di bellissime calette e un rientro semplicemente confortevole nella proprio appartamento...
Great Apostolos the manager, always helpful courteous and prompt ..... simple solar clean and nice apartment ... room with great garden .... x those with children in a quiet but busy with the beach 5 minutes from troulos home (on foot) simply fantastic .... for those who want a vacation full of beautiful coves and a comfortable return to their apartment ...
Petros Discipline on Google

Καταπληκτικό μέρος,ηρεμο,και ο απόστολος εξυπηρετικός και ευγενεστατος,περάσαμε πολύ όμορφα και μειναμε πολύ ευχαριστημένοι
Amazing place, calm, and the apostle helpful and gentle, we had a great time and were very happy
Daniele Melissi on Google

Premesso che un due stelle così ce lo sogniamo in Italia, pulitissimo, accogliente, posizione geografica ottima (per una famiglia) rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo. L' Hesperos Hotel, o meglio Studios, come li chiamano sull'isola, ubicato su due livelli a due piani, hanno tutti ingresso indipendente con bagno alla francese (sull''isola e' una costante), soffitti alti con travi in legno, aria condizionata, tv color canali Grechi, mini cucinino con piastre elettriche e zanzariere su tutte le finestre. Quello che mi ha sorpreso e' la pulizia, il pavimento era sempre splendente e profumatissimo, poi la disponibilità e simpatia del titolare Apostholo, disponibile, professionale e molto accogliente. Ci ha dato diversi consigli su cosa visitare, dove mangiare nei dintorni, dove noleggiare al meglio, inoltre ci ha concesso molta disponibilità sul check in e check out. L' Hesperos si trova a sud dell'isola, a circa 10-15 min dal centro, a 500 mt dalla spiaggia del Troulos, una delle più grandi e direi la più tranquilla e più attrezzata per una famiglia che ama il divertimento ma non il caos. Forse per i più giovani e amanti della vita notturna consiglierei un albergo al centro, ma se noleggiate un mezzo risparmierete e vi troverete benissimo. Ci ritornerò sicuramente 5 stelle.
Given that a two-star hotel so we dream of it in Italy, very clean, welcoming, excellent geographical position (for a family) excellent value for money. The Hesperos Hotel, or rather Studios, as they call them on the island, located on two levels on two floors, all have a private entrance with a French bathroom (on the island is a constant), high ceilings with wooden beams, air conditioning, Greek channel tv, mini kitchenette with electric plates and mosquito nets on all windows. What surprised me is the cleanliness, the floor was always bright and fragrant, then the availability and sympathy of the owner Apostholo, helpful, professional and very welcoming. He gave us several tips on what to visit, where to eat in the surrounding area, where to rent at the best, also gave us a lot of availability on check in and check out. The Hesperos is located in the south of the island, about 10-15 minutes from the center, 500 meters from the beach of Troulos, one of the largest and I would say the quietest and most equipped for a family that loves fun but not chaos. Perhaps for the youngest and lovers of nightlife I would recommend a hotel in the center, but if you rent a vehicle you will save and you will be fine. I will definitely return 5 stars.
Sofia Mitsiopoulou on Google

Πολυ εξυπηρετικος ο Αποστολης!Εκανε τα αδυνατα δυνατα να μας βρει δωματιο την τελευταια στιγμη.Σε καλη τοποθεσια το καταλυμα,ολα ειναι τριγυρω.Πολυ λογικες τιμες για Σκιαθο που ειναι ενα ακριβο νησι.
Apostolis is very helpful! He did his best to find us a room at the last minute. The accommodation is in a good location, everything is around. Very reasonable prices for Skiathos which is an expensive island.
aTuttaVita Family traveling on Google

Il sorriso e la disponibilità del padrone di casa è già un buon motivo per soggiornare. La struttura è vicinissima alla fermata del pullman che porta alle spiagge del sud o in città. La vista dalla camera è piacevole. Ottima pulizia. Spazio all’aperto per rilassarsi. Si può raggiungere a piedi la bellissima spiaggia di Troulos 10 minuti ma sulla strada principale. Bisogna fare un po’ di attenzione di notte. Si può prendere per tornare l’autobus per 2 fermate solitamente non fanno pagare. A piedi, invece, l’ultima parte ha il marciapiedi. Consigliamo di cenare da Appapalonia il più caratteristico.
The smile and the availability of the landlord is already a good reason to stay. The structure is very close to the bus stop leading to the southern beaches or to the city. The view from the room is pleasant. Excellent cleaning. Outdoor space to relax. You can walk to the beautiful Troulos beach 10 minutes away but on the main road. Be careful at night. You can take it back to the bus for 2 stops they usually don't charge. On foot, however, the last part has a sidewalk. We recommend having the most characteristic dinner at Appapalonia.
Damir Peric on Google

The host is very friendly. Hotel is in good location.
Dimitris Vassilatos on Google

There are no words to discribe the disappointment we felt visiting the room. The price is very high and the smel in the room also remains even with open windows. The view is very nice but only from the balkony. It is in a very good place but it needs a lot of change to be ressidence even for a night.
Daniel Wiedemann on Google

Excellent value. The location makes two very beautiful beaches easily accessible by foot/a quick bus ride respectively. Our room way spacious with good facilities and Apostolos is a really lovely host.

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