Heroon of the Crossroads Shrine - Heroon of the Crossroads Shrine

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Heroon of the Crossroads Shrine

Address :

Archea Korinthos 200 07, Greece

Postal code : 200
Categories :

Archea Korinthos 200 07, Greece
Dusan Beredi Bera on Google

Drevni grad. Nedovoljno istrazen
Ancient city. Not researched enough
Robert Dziadek on Google

Dimitrios Chatziaslanis on Google

Roberto Castellani on Google

Quì è tutto bello. Un sito che ha attraversato la storia da protagonista e che sebbene in rovina e distrutto conserva ancora inalterato il fascino che il tempo ha solo aumentato.
Here it is all beautiful. A site that has gone through the history as a protagonist and that although in ruins and destroyed still retains the charm that time has only increased.
Zbig foto on Google

Będąc na Peloponezie trzeba ten kompleks archeologiczny odwiedzić. Polecam to miejsce dla wszystkich podróżników i obieżyświatów.
Being on the Peloponnese you have to visit this archaeological complex. I recommend this place to all travelers and globetrotters.
Janus Zeman on Google

Dużo nie pozostało po starożytnym Koryncie. Ale to nie znaczy że należy tą atrakcje pominąć zwiedzając Grecję.
There is not much left of ancient Corinth. But it does not mean that this attraction should be omitted when visiting Greece.
Clayton Lima on Google

Um complexo arqueológico espetacular. Reserve um dia inteiro pra visitar o lugar e saber das varias historias milenares que por ali se desenrolaram. Entre elas a passagem do Apóstolo Paulo, posteriormente gerando as epístolas aos Coríntios.....
A spectacular archaeological complex. Set aside a full day to visit the place and learn about the various millennial stories that unfolded there. Among them the passage of the Apostle Paul, later generating the epistles to the Corinthians .....
Craig Strachan on Google

Corinth is an especially interesting place to visit. You have the ancient Greek history, it is where Oedipus was raised before he famously played his father and married his mother. Agamemnon lead many Corinthians in the Trojan War, and and Jason (As in the Argonauts) spent time there. Cds IMG 5722And slightly more recently (relatively speaking), Paul preached to the Corinthians, and his later letters to the Corinthians because 2 books of the Bible. The ancient city is not a huge site but it is extremely well signposted and once of the most interesting sites I have visited. You can easily spend a few hours wondering around the site.

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