House Keramaria Sea View - House Keramaria Sea View

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact House Keramaria Sea View

Address :

Sithonia 630 81, Greece

Phone : 📞 +978
Postal code : 630
Categories :

Sithonia 630 81, Greece
Društvo za strane jezike i književnost Zrenjanin on Google

Udobno, ali skromno. Blizu magistrale, ali i obale. Taverna Drosia je preko puta, a ima i staza za šetnju. 5 minuta kolima do većeg mesta, Neos Marmarasa.
Comfortable, but modest. Close to the main road, and the coast. Tavern Drosia is across the street, and there is also a walking path. 5 minutes by car to the big city, Neos Marmaras.
E_ Gnk Ignt on Google

Φιλοξενία, καθαρό και άψογη συνεργασία με την ιδιοκτήτρια. Σας ευχαριστούμε!!!
Hospitality, clean and impeccable cooperation with the owner. Thank you!!!
Alexandra Nitsi on Google

Πολύ ωραίο κατάλυμα,καθαρό,σε πολύ καλό σημείο,η θάλασσα είναι 2 λεπτά με τα πόδια, πολύ ήσυχη τοποθεσία.Φιλοξενοι ιδιοκτήτες πάντα στη διάθεση σου να σε εξυπηρετήσουν
Very nice accommodation, clean, in a very good location, the sea is 2 minutes walk, very quiet location. Guest owners always at your disposal to serve you
Miljan Petrovic on Google

Sam smestaj je lep, cist, gazdarica jako ljubazna. Sobe se ne mogu pohvaliti nekim komforom, ali koliko para toliko muzike. Samo mesto gde se nalazi vila je jako prijatno, mirno, ali prepuno komaraca. Najveca mana je sto je more, koje je daleko svega 50 m, prepuno jezeva pa se ne moze reci ni da je to plaza ni za prvu pomoc. Najbliza prodavnica je u Neos Marmarasu nekih 2 km daleko, pa odlazak bez auta je prava ludost. Sve u svemu i ovo je visoka ocena smestaja jer je internet kao i u celoj Grckoj jako los. Mozda ovo bude nekome od pomoci za izbor mesta za letovanje, ali meni sigurno vise nece trebati.
The room itself is beautiful, clean, the landlord is very kind. Rooms can not boast some comfort, but how much money is so much music. Only the place where the villa is located is very pleasant, calm, but full of mosquitoes. The biggest disadvantage is that the sea, which is only 50 m away, is full of dams, so it can not be said that it is a beach for the first aid. The nearest store is in Neos Marmaras some 2 km away, so leaving the car is a real craze. All in all, this is a high estimate of accommodation because the internet, as well as in Greece, is very bad. Perhaps this is one of the help for choosing a place to go, but I certainly will not need it anymore.
Јелена Ј.П. on Google

Смештај је чист, уредан, удобан, двориште мирише, као и сам крај. Газде љубазне, ненаметљиви људи спремни да помогну. Потпуни мир, далеко од свега!! Аутом је све на пар минута. За људе којима одговара мир и тишина и није им проблем да се возају колима.
The accommodation is clean, tidy, comfortable, the yard smells like the end. Boss kind, unobtrusive people ready to help. Complete peace, far from everything !! The car is all for a few minutes. For people who like peace and quiet, it is not a problem for them to drive a car.
Jelena Trisović on Google

Smestaj je lep,komforan,ima uvek tople vode.U kuhinji ima dovoljno pribora i potrebno posudje za pripremu jela.Sve lepo funkcioniše.Ima terasu i ispred vile dovoljno prostora za sve goste...takođe u dvorištu se nalazi baštenski nameštaj za odmor i opuštanje i moguće je pripremati roštilj... ima dovoljno parking prostora za automobile. Vlasnica je jako ljubazna i nenamenljiva. Smestaj je za preporuku ?
Accommodation is nice, comfortable, there is always hot water. The kitchen has enough utensils and the necessary utensils for preparing meals. Everything works nicely. It has a terrace and in front of the villa enough space for all guests ... also in the yard there is garden furniture for rest and relaxation and it is possible to prepare a barbecue ... there is enough parking space for cars. The owner is very kind and unassuming. Accommodation is for recommendation ?
Radmila GRB on Google

Proveli smo 12 dana na drugom spratu. Prezadovoljni, sve je bilo savršeno. Pogled na more, zalasci sunca... Plaža najlepša na svetu, u blizini, možda sto metara do nje. Jedino što je za sve trebalo sesti u kola, i za pekaru, i za bilo koju nabavku.
We spent 12 days on the second floor. Overjoyed, everything was perfect. Sea view, sunsets ... The most beautiful beach in the world, nearby, maybe a hundred meters to it. The only thing was that everyone had to sit in the car, and for the bakery, and for any purchase.
Melita Tadic on Google


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