Ionian Corfu Village - Ionian Corfu Village

2.3/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Ionian Corfu Village

Address :

Mparmpati 490 83, Greece

Phone : 📞 +9879
Postal code : 490
Categories :

Mparmpati 490 83, Greece
Antonis Karamanolis on Google

Παρα πολυ καλο προσφατα ανακαινισμενο πανω στην θάλασσα
Very good recently renovated on the sea
Aleksandra Wiśniewska on Google

Totalna porażka, hotel nie poinformował naszego biura podróży o tym, że nadal jest w remoncie i zostaliśmy przeniesieni do innego lokum z tej samej sieci.
Total failure, the hotel failed to inform our travel agency that it was still under renovation and we were moved to another location from the same chain.
Patrycja Gie on Google

Hotel nie istnieje, jak ktoś lubi spać na budowie to polecam. Okolica śmierdzi jak wysypisko. Nie dajcie się nabrać na piękne zdjęcia, to tylko marzenia.
The hotel does not exist, if someone likes to sleep on the construction site, I recommend it. The neighborhood smells like a dump. Don't be fooled by beautiful photos, these are just dreams.
Roksana Jatoja on Google

Przyjechaliśmy do hotelu pozywynie nastawieni , niestety na miejscu okazało się ,że hotel jest w trakcie remontu. W recepcji obsługiwał nas Pan z ekipy remontowej ,było wielkie zamieszanie tak jakby nikt się nas nie spodziewał. Nikt nie chciał od nas dokumentów potwierdzających nasz pobyt. Dostaliśmy klucze do pokoju i tyle. All inclusive w tym hotelu ma inne znaczenie gdyż kuchnia jest w remoncie. Wodę do basenu zaczęto nalewać w chwili naszego pojawienia się. Na szczęście szybko znaleźliśmy inny hotel i opuściliśmy z rodziną te miejsce. Na pewno będzie tam pięknie za jakieś 2 lata :-)
We came to the hotel positively, unfortunately it turned out on the spot that the hotel was under renovation. At the reception, we were served by a man from the renovation team, there was a great confusion as if no one was expecting us. Nobody wanted documents confirming our stay from us. We got our room keys and that's it. All inclusive in this hotel has a different meaning as the kitchen is under renovation. Water was poured into the pool the moment we arrived. Fortunately, we quickly found another hotel and left the place with the family. It will definitely be beautiful there in 2 years :-)
Maria Ziridou on Google

1)Геолокация расположения отеля привёла к какому-то подъёму, перегороженному запертыми воротами. 2)В то время как контактный номер указанный в интернете, просто не был доступен. 3)Благо через дорогу оказался какой-то пустой ресепшн (время так-то 3 часа дня). На двери ресепшн был указан доп. контактный номер, благодаря которому нам все таки удалось выяснить, что мы на месте и дальше ехать никуда не нужно. 4) При бронировании номера по телефону подтвердили наличие одной двуспальной крови, но по приезду нас ожидали две сдвинутые односпальные кровати. 5)Предоставить один цельный наматрасник на оба матраса, согласились и бросили трубку. Когда принесут, не успела даже сросить. 6)Состояние душевой кабины в отвратительном состоянии! стекла в налёте, плиточное покрытие в плесени и грязи и волосах. И вместо того, чтобы прислать cleaning и вычистить хотя-бы грязь, мне просто завили, что это у них последний номер и сделать они ничего не могут. Не поленилась, сфотографировала душую кабину себе на память.
1) The geolocation of the hotel's location led to some kind of rise, blocked by a locked gate. 2)While the contact number listed on the internet was simply not available. 3) Fortunately, there was some empty reception across the road (the time is 3 o'clock in the afternoon). On the door of the reception was indicated extra. contact number, thanks to which we still managed to find out that we were there and there was no need to go anywhere else. 4) When booking a room by phone, they confirmed the presence of one double blood, but upon arrival we were expected to have two single beds pushed together. 5) Provide one solid mattress topper for both mattresses, agreed and hung up. When they brought it, I didn’t even have time to ask. 6) The condition of the shower cabin is in a disgusting state! the glass is covered in plaque, the tiled flooring is covered in mold and dirt and hair. And instead of sending cleaning and cleaning out at least the dirt, I was simply told that this was their last issue and they could not do anything. I was not too lazy, I photographed the cabin with my soul as a keepsake.
Peter Rosenfeld on Google

Absolutely AMAZING!!! Can't fault this place. The entire family (from grandmother to infant), headed-up by Nicholas, work tirelessly and endlessly to please and satisfy! The value almost feels like you're under-paying for such luxury. Wouldn't hesitate for a minute in returning and has my full recommendation!

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