Kakkos Beach Hotel - Adults Only - Epar.Od. Agiou Ioanni 126

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kakkos Beach Hotel - Adults Only

Address :

Epar.Od. Agiou Ioanni 126, Koutsounari 722 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 722
Website : https://www.kakkosbeach.com/
Categories :
Description : Upmarket hotel offering chic quarters, some with sea views & private pools, plus dining.

Epar.Od. Agiou Ioanni 126, Koutsounari 722 00, Greece
Ewa Jagielska on Google

Kakkos Beach Hotel is a fantastic place where you want to be, live, relax and enjoy the beach, sea and sun ???‍♂️? Sensational people, with a heart on their hands, always helpful. I was, experienced and recommend with all my heart. I will want to come back here. In the meantime, thank you - all people from this hotel - very much for everything, because everything was ok. ?
Jiří Raška on Google

The place, where is Kakkos Beach resort situated, is beautiful, there is splendid crystal clear sea and nice beach and very pleasant accomodation. Delicious meal, even from various cuisine (not only Greek). But that is, unfortunately, all from pluses. This hotel resort is marked by 4 stars (formerly 5). But the level of services does not deserve this rating Or do you think, that 4 * hotel would offer (and provide!) cleaning service just once a three days??! They claim, that it is for covid 19. Hm, so that for that reason – higher hygienic and health protection - should be rooms uncleaned (and dirty) for three days??! Another bad thing is the covid 19 limitation – up tu me exaggerated. Dinners have to wait in a queue (often very long), because every guest is served by one person, which is – slowly and little by little - putting rather little portions of meal on their plate (one or more). But there is not appropriate number of serving persons, often just 1 or 2. We also found one mystery. On Crete, which is Greek, is not simply to get frappe. In Kakkos Beach 4 stars All Inclusive Premium hotel. Jus for the a la carte price… But what is more Greek than frappe? Another ridiculous thing was the snack offer. The afternoon snack time was limited just for one hour and the offer was very poor, just a few pieces of fruit (just one! plate of 2 kind of melon) and cakes (another - one - plate). Last but not least is the attitude and behaviour of the delegate of travel agency CEDOK (Mirek). The man has no interest about our concerns, just offered trips and – as some sales agent (so for his own interest) - olive oil(!). When we tried to get answers to our questions, he told us, thad we should not to obstruct the others and go away. His impertinence was really big considering that travel agency (CEDOK) offers – inside rather expensive tour package - „the services of the delegate“. Total impression is mixed – beautiful countryside and sea, but poor services for the 4 * All Inclusive Premium level. Místo, kde se nachází hotelový komplex Kakkos Beach, je krásné, s průzračně čistým okouzlujícím mořem a plážemi, je zde velmi příjemné ubytování. Výborné jídlo, dokonce z různých typů národních kuchyní (nejen řecké). Ale to je, bohužel, vše z plusů. Tento hotelový komplex se chlubí čtyřmi hvězdičkami (dříve měl 5). Ale úroveň služeb si toto ohodnocení nezaslouží. Nebo se snad domníváte, že čtyřhvězdičkový hotel nabízí (a poskytuje!) úklid pouze jednou za tři dny??! Hotel to vysvětloval tím, že to je kvůli covidu 19. Hm, takže kvůli tomu – vyšším hygienickým a zdraví chránícím opatřením – mají být pokoje neuklizené (a špinavé) tři dny??! Dalším nepříjemným zážitkem byla (podle mne) přemrštěná opatření v rámci ochrany proti covid 19. Hosté čekající na jídlo museli čekat ve frontě (často dost dlouhé), protože každý stolovník byl obsluhován pouze jednou osobou, která – pomalu a po malých kouscích – nakládala spíše malé porcičky jídla na jejich talíř (nebo více talířů). Ale nebyl tam dostatečný počet obsluhujících, často jen jeden nebo dva. Taky jsme objevili záhadu. Na Krétě, která patří k Řecku, jsme měli potíže objednat si kávu frappé. Ve 4* All Inclusive Premium hotelu Kakkos Beach. Šlo to jen za běžnou cenu na nápojovém lístku. Ale co už je více řecké než frappé? Trapná byla i ubohá nabídka odpolední „svačinky“. Byla omezena na pouhou hodinu a nabídka spočívala jen v několika kouscích ovoce (pouze jeden! talíř s několika plátky dvou druhů melounu) a pár kousků sušenek a zákusků (na dalším – jednom – talíři). A nakonec se zmíním o přístupu a chování delegáta Čedoku (Mirek). Ten se vůbec nezajímal o problémy a starosti jeho klientů, jen nabízel výlety – a zřejmě soukromé kšefty s olivovým olejem(!). Když jsme se chtěli na něco zeptat, řekl nám, ať nezdržujeme ostatní a jdeme pryč. Jeho drzost a arogance jsou o to horší, když si uvědomíme, že CK ČEDOK nabízí - v rámci poměrně drahého zájezdu - i služby delegáta. Celkový dojem je tedy smíšený – krásná krajina a moře, ale nedostatečná úroveň služeb na 4* hotel a úroveň All Inclusive Premium.
Krzysztof Wasilewski on Google

Fantastic service - many, many thanks for lovely receptionists for special attention to all our needs (late arrival, early journey to the airport) and Dimitrios for excellent morning coffees and then drinks! But attitude of the whole personnel 10/10!! Great food, too - recommend for people willing to just chill out... Will come back!
Michał Zieliński on Google

A beautiful place for a luxurious holiday. Service at the highest level - always smiling. Very good and varied food. The stay took place right before the border closure (second COVID wave). Hope the hotel survives these abnormal times.
Marek Bárta on Google

Hotel and the surrounding beaches were very very nice. It was exactly what we were expected from the hotel pictures. Food was mostly good sometimes even excellent. No unpleasant surprises here. And the all-inclusive bar was also very nice with a good variety of drinks to choose from. Can definitely recommend. The hotel personal? A whole different story. Dinning was in form of a buffet but the hotel personal had to put everything on your plate(due to Covid restrictions). The personal did indeed use every opportunity to show you how much we are annoying them. And the worst was the guy who was serving drinks. His routine was to completely ignore you for roughly 5min and then to give you the most unpleasant "what you want?" face which he was capable of. And tell me he was good in that. To finish me up. He insisted he will give the glass only half full. Not kidding. Seriously. I remember falling from a bicycle which was more pleasant then dealing with him. Over all we did like the stay and can recommend it. Just that one thing.
Jarosław Urbański on Google

We had an amazing time staying here. The hotel, its architecture, landscaping and rooms themselves is very well designed and beautiful. There are two another big advantages: great food and very, very warm, polite and welcoming staff. It's mostly thanks to these people a stay here is really worth remembering and recommending. There are few major drawbacks though, still worth noticing: freezing cold water in the swimming pool (it's not heated), coffee not from a 'real' coffee machine (rather lousy) and no seperate reception stand for the hotel - it's shared with much more crowded Kakkos Bay. All in all, despite the drawbacks, mostly thanks to the wonderful staff - I recommend the hotel and I would like to come back here sometime in the future.
Nicolas Rebet on Google

Everything was perfect! Best hotel I have visited in a long time. The staff is exceptional, of a kindness and a rare professionalism! With a special mention to Markos, Giorgos, Dimitris who made our stay a dream ! The food is excellent and varied. The cleanliness is impeccable! The fact that the hotel is Adults Only guarantees you a particularly appreciable peace and quiet. The infinity pool is a particularly successful and highly Instagrammable place ^^ The bar is the heart of the hotel and in the evenings it is a great place to have a good time. I can hardly recommend this hotel where everything is perfect!
Diana K on Google

A perfect place to relax, to enjoy delicious food and drinks, to read books on the beach, to spend some quality time with your partner or a friend. The staff was really friendly, helpful and kind at all times, which made our stay even more pleasurable. I also appreciated the trendy architecture and design of the hotel. First few days of our stay were extremely windy, but later we agreed that the wind made the hot weather more bearable. I would definitely recommend this hotel to my friends and family. The only caveat is that the hotel is quite far from the Heraklion airport, it took about 2 hours of bus drive to get there. However you can always enjoy the views of beautiful Cretan nature ☺️ I would love to come back one day!

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