Katholiko Beach - Katholiko Beach

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Katholiko Beach

Address :

Chania 731 00, Greece

Postal code : 731
Categories :

Chania 731 00, Greece
Karolina M on Google

About 50min hike , definitely worth it to do.
Christian Macaro on Google

Besides the first monastery which was still under restoration at the time of the visit, you will visit a cage and a second monastery. The second one was a great surprise. If you keep walking down you will intersect a hiking trail which will lead you to a beautiful water inlet. Some people were actually swinging in the turquoise water, but i am not sure you are allowed. Either way go and explore it. It is worth the extra sweat drop ?
jo Foodstr on Google

Beautiful beautiful beautiful! About an hour and ten min walk down a beautiful path that starts from a monastery, pass by a nice cave , pass by another cool monastery and then you arrive at a beautiful cove crystal clear water and you can jump in from the rocks! One of my favorite places in Crete
Thomas Delemarre on Google

At the end of the hike trail from Gouverneto Monastery to Katholiko beach you will end at a cove (not a beach!) with azure crystal water. You can swim and snorkel there BUT I would not recommend it since the rocks are sharp and dangerous and you are far away from medical attention! Just take a picknick and enjoy the views! Make sure you leave nothing behind!
Athina Maniadi on Google

That beach is worth visiting more than seitan Harbors Beach! The waters are crystal clear and accessible after a 40-minute walk from katholiko monastery. The halfway there is paved with rocks, while the rest is through the rough terrain of the gorge of katholiko. Also worth visiting is the pool inside the cave of katholiko monastery. The rocky pool is filled with running water from the caving stones, resulting in clear and drinkable water.
Jacob Hartl on Google

Definitely reccommend going to this place. There are some details that we didn't know about and just got lucky though. You park outside of the Katholiko Monastery and must pay 2.50 euro to enter. You also will be asked to cover yourself but after you pass by the new monastery we removed the extra layers for the hike. Not sure if that is allowed but we did it anyway because it was very hot! Once you hike down to the old monastery, there is a small trail by the bridge that you go down and then pass under the bridge. Follow the gorge to the beautiful water. We were also told we can't swim there but others said that it was public land. When we got to the water others were swimming so we did as well. Enjoy!
Arnaud Lesueur on Google

This is not a beach but the private property of a monastery. Entrance fees are 2,5€ per person. It is OFFICIALLY FORBIDDEN to swim there. As of today water was pretty dirty with sharp stones that would destroy your skin very easily. Concerning the hike, it is a bit technical and would require correct shoes if you want to go to the sea via the gorge. Views were pretty great on the way. It tooked us 2hours back and force for the complete trip
Jasper 01 on Google

1h slow hike to get down to the beach. Going down was easy but going back up is kinda tiring. It's worth it though because at the bottom you'll see the most turquoise and clear water of your life. There's tons of cool fish to see so it's perfect for snorkeling.

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