Kirimis Studios - Main Street

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kirimis Studios

Address :

Main Street, Troulos, Greece

Phone : 📞 +798
Categories :
City : Troulos

Main Street, Troulos, Greece
Emilie on Google

Positif: Personnel très gentil et accueillant. Rien à redire sur la chambre : spacieuse , climatisée et propre . Le plus est le balcon très agréable avec table et chaises..
Philippe on Google

Positif: Petit déjeuner copieux Bon débit internet wifi Personnel sympa Arrêt du bus a proximité. Négatif: Aménagement intérieur ancien Vaisselle insuffisante Climatisation dans une seule chambre Réfrigérateur ancien bruyant.
Eva on Google

Positive: Il personale della struttura si è dimostrato molto gentile e amichevole, nonostante qualche difficoltà linguistica. Soprattutto George molto simpatico e accogliente, ci ha fatto sentire a casa, si vive la cura per il cliente di una gestione familiare. Camera pulita con un comodo terrazzino. A 5 minuti dalla spiaggia di Troulos e di fronte alla fermata dell'autobus.. Negazione: La camera è molto essenziale, mancano magari piccoli accorgimenti che renderebbero la sistemazione più funzionale, rapporto qualità prezzo forse non il massimo, ma credo in linea con i costi dell'isola..
Natalie on Google

Положительный: Super Lage! 10 Minuten bis zum Strand . Der Strand ist sehr sauber. Das Meer ist kristallklar. Und Pinienbaume ! Jeder Tag wurde sauber gemacht! Die Gastgeber sind sehr nette Leute! Большие , посранению с другими , комнаты и ванная, огромная терраса, шикарный вид, каждый день убирали, чистый воздух, пропитанный запахом пихты. Очень тихо, вокруг очень много кафе, таверн, супермаркет. Остановка автобуса сразу как выйдешь . Всё очень удобно, если вы хотите спокойного, размеренного отдыха: знаменитый кукунариес на машине или автобусе 5 минут, пешком 20 минут. Можно взять на прокат квадроцикл, машину или мотоцикл прямо , как выйдете. Советую съездить на кукунариес, знаменитый пляж с "золотым" песком и биотопом. Потом на кадре можно доехать до Kastro, старинная сторожевой башня, там есть и пляж, и милая таверна. Ну и конечно, сам городок Скиатос, там много милых улочек. Ещё есть banana beach , там есть пляж для нудистов.. Негативный: Alles war SUPER!.
Sara on Google

Positive: La signora delle pulizie ogni giorno puliva tutto l'appartamento e lavava anche i piatti...cosa che non ci aspettavamo. L'ambiente era molto rustico ma tutto sommato nell'appartamentino c'erano tutte le cose di base.. Negazione: Mobili e struttura molto vecchia. La porta del bagno non si chiudeva nemmeno. La tv era si presente, ma era molto vecchia e prendeva solo canali greci. Nella struttura nessuno parlava inglese.
mark shakeshaft on Google

Pretty apartments with a great, if small pool area.
Brian Garraway on Google

A very comfortable room and friendly staff made this a super two week vacation for my wife and I. The Kirimis family did everything in their power to make our stay with them a fantastic time. With superb views over Troulos from the balcony and a very convenient bus stop and a shop just 150 metres away I thoroughly recommend the Kirimis Studios. Our only moan is the lack of a kettle in the room, but as we knew of this in advance we took our own small travel kettle with us.
Martina on Google

Positive: The room we had had basic elements inside, older, but clean. We didn't need air conditioning, although there is some noise from the street. Breakfast is huge and delicious, we couldn't eat all, even though we ordered less than it was on the menu. The host was very kind.. Negative: No shower curtain. The bed was hard, and we got a twin bedroom instead of double..

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