Panagia Chrysafitissa Church - EO Monemvasias Krokeon

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Contact Panagia Chrysafitissa Church

Address :

EO Monemvasias Krokeon, Monemvasia 230 70, Greece

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 230
Categories :

EO Monemvasias Krokeon, Monemvasia 230 70, Greece
Мирослав Кобилянський on Google

Монемвасія?? ☦️Церква Панагії Хрисафітисса ?була побудована в нижньому місті Монемвасії в 17 ст. на руїнах монастиря 12 ст, названого на честь Панагії Одигітрії, яка родом була з с.Хрисафа в Лакедемон(Спарта) ?поблизу церкви є джерело святої води, яке колись було колодязем, свята вода лікує різні хвороби, особливу безпліддя в чоловіків. ?в церкві зберігається візантійська чудотворна ікона Святої Панагії Хрисафітисси, яка датується 15-16 ст.
Monemvasia?? ☦️Church of Panagia Chrysafitissa ?was built in the lower city of Monemvasia in the 17th century. on the ruins of the monastery of the 12th century, named after Panagia Odigitria, who came from the village of Chrysaf in Lakedemon (Sparta) ?near the church there is a source of holy water, which was once a well, holy water cures various diseases, especially infertility in men. The church preserves the Byzantine miraculous icon of St. Panagia Chrysafitissi, which dates from the 15th-16th centuries.
GreeceYou Lei on Google

the biggest church in town
Nick Chrysikopoulos on Google

Efstathios Iordanidis on Google

Really nice Church!
Dimitris Gyftopoulos on Google

Beautiful scenery , ideal for marriage or baptism
Vasilios Papaliakos on Google

Simple, but beautiful church next to the sea. Inspirational!
Porto Grana on Google

Domed churchbuilt during the first Turkish occupation after a miracle-working icon from the Panagia church in Chrysafa, Lacedaemonia (Mystras) was found in a well on the south side of the church, where a chapel was built. To the north stands a building called Kellia, originally a monastery. During the second Venetian occupation, the Panagia Chrysafitissa was a parish church. Celebrations are held at the church on its feast day, the day after St. Thomas’ Day (the Sunday after Easter).
mihai mihai on Google

Very nice view!

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