Piece and Friendship Stadium S.E.F - Piece and Friendship Stadium S.E.F

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Piece and Friendship Stadium S.E.F

Address :

Pireas 185 33, Greece

Postal code : 185
Categories :

Pireas 185 33, Greece
Romi T (SerViajera) on Google

Amé hacer el recorrido con el T4 desde El Pireo hasta casi Plaza Syntagma. Es un recorrido hermoso que va por la costa y bien vale la pena disfrutar de él. Lo recomiendo para dar un paseo diferente
I loved doing the tour with the T4 from Piraeus to almost Syntagma Square. It is a beautiful tour that goes along the coast and is well worth enjoying. I recommend it for a different walk
Michael Mylonas on Google

Eine gute Möglichkeit von Piraeus und Zentrum von Athen zu kommen. Aber leider viel zu langsam. Fahrt dauert über eine Stunde.
A good way to get from Piraeus and central Athens. But unfortunately much too slowly. Journey takes over an hour.
Thanos papapoulis on Google

Εξαιρετικό γήπεδο. Μετά από τόσα χρόνια θεωρώ το κορυφαίο στην Ελλάδα.
Excellent stadium. After so many years, I consider it the best in Greece.
Νίκος Γαβαλάκης on Google

Ένα πολύ πρωτοποριακό αρχιτεκτονικά στάδιο έχει αφεθεί στη τύχη του και την εγκατάλειψη . Σκουπίδια και καταστροφές στον περίγυρο χώρο κλπ. Κυρίως τώρα γίνονται κάποιες εκθέσεις ....
A very innovative architectural stage has been left to his fortune and abandonment. Garbage and disasters in the surrounding area etc. Mostly now there are some exhibitions ....
Anastasis on Google

Miko Koub on Google

Panagiotis Aidonis on Google

Home of Olympiacos BC
Richard Hoggard on Google

The (currently) terminal stop of the lines Kasomouli - SEF and Asklipio Voulas - SEF and vice versa. It's found near the park outside Peace and Friendship Stadium, and to the other side of Neo Faliro station. You can get there either by crossing the bridge, or getting through the underpass. It's very useful during the past midnight hours, if you want to go either to Palaio Faliro, Nea Smyrni and Neos Kosmos or if you want to go through the Poseidonos highway. It's highly populated in the summer period especially during Friday and Saturday nights. In the winter it's kinda dead.

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