Pirgos Xira - Pirgos Xira

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pirgos Xira

Address :

Kerkira 491 00, Greece

Postal code : 491
Categories :

Kerkira 491 00, Greece
András Szivolt on Google

Az erőd egyik meghatározó és gyönyörű darabja, ahonnan nagyszerű kilátás nyílik az egész környékre!
One of the most important and beautiful pieces of the fortress, with great views of the whole area!
Charles Berson on Google

Pirgos Xira C'est le point culminant du fort. Une petite monté par l'arrière de l'île mais pas difficile. Une fois en haut une vu à 360 sur le fort, la ville et la mer, au loin le continent. Bonne visite
Pirgos Xira It is the highest point of the fort. A small climb from the back of the island but not difficult. Once at the top, a 360-degree view of the fort, the city and the sea, the continent in the distance. Good visit
Robert Sprotte on Google

Dieser Ort ist wahrlich der (innere) Gipfel: Der teilweise recht steile Anstieg mit glühend heissen Metallgeländern wird mit einem tollen Rundumblick auf die gesamte Stadt Korfu belohnt. Der äußere Gipfel ist nicht zu besteigen, da noch millitarisch als Antennenstation genutzt.
This place is truly the (inner) summit: The sometimes quite steep ascent with red-hot metal railings is rewarded with a great all-round view of the entire city of Corfu. The outer summit is not to be climbed because it is still used as an antenna station.
Борис Российский on Google

Подъем утомительный, но красивейший вид, который открывается сверху, стоит этих усилий! (Руки бы переломать тем идиотам, которые наносят граффити на стены наверху. Другого места будто не нашли!) The climbing is a tiring, but beautiful view that opens from above, it's worth the effort! (The hands would break those idiots who put graffiti on the walls, they could not have found another place!)
The climb is tiresome, but the most beautiful view that opens from above is worth the effort! (Hands would break those idiots who put graffiti on the walls above. It’s as if they couldn’t find another place!) The climbing is a tiring, but beautiful view that opens from above, it's worth the effort! (The hands would break those idiots who put graffiti on the walls, they could not have found another place!)
Dmitry Timofeichev on Google

Прекрасная историческая локация. Крепость с многочисленными архитектурными достопримечательностями. С высоты крепостных стен открываются прекрасные морские виды. Есть, где походить, есть, что посмотреть. И даже без экскурсовода будет интересно. :)
Beautiful historical location. Fortress with numerous architectural sights. From the height of the fortress walls are beautiful sea views. There is where to be like, there is something to see. And even without a guide it will be interesting. :)
FDA/ RS on Google

Awesome area in Corfu Island, Greece. Visit this superb place. ****
Sasa Milenkovic on Google

Breathtaking view, and natural beauty that goes beyond words...
Pierros Zevolis on Google

Beautiful lighthouse at the top of the hill of the old fortress. Impressive panoramic view of the area from this point. There are enough steps until the lighthouse location but it worth a visit. It is one of the most beautiful spots of the castle for commemorative photos.

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