Πλατεία Δικαιοσύνης (Σανταρόζα) - Dikaiosinis (Santaroza) Square - Arsaki 1

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Contact Πλατεία Δικαιοσύνης (Σανταρόζα) - Dikaiosinis (Santaroza) Square

Address :

Arsaki 1, Athina 105 64, Greece

Postal code : 105
Categories :

Arsaki 1, Athina 105 64, Greece

Alberto Becherini on Google

Kass Papadopoulos on Google

Αλέξανδρος Φατσης (ViralNews) on Google

Πολύ όμορφη πλατεία στο Κέντρο της Αθήνας
Very beautiful square in the center of Athens
Zarko Miletic on Google

Antička Grčka je bila kolevka demokratije.Međutim u nestabilnim vremenima se vidi da demokratija nije jednom za uvek ostojena.Za demokratiju se mora stalno boriti.Život Alekosa Panagoulisa nam govori o toj neprestanoj borbi.Posle mnogih napora njegovog brata Strathisa Panagoulisa i borbe protiv sujetnih političara a ponekad i protiv grčke države ,Aleksova statua stoji tu na ovom trgu u centru Atiine u njegovu čast da podseća građane grčke na njenu istoriju , a i celo čovečanstvo da je borba za ideale neprestana i večna. Grđanima Srbije njegov životni put ukazuje da borba protiv velikih i moćnih, koji misle da im je sve dopušteno, mora biti stalna i neprekidna.Pogotovo borba za očuvnje države , protiv njenog cepanja tj. otimanja dela njene teritorije.
Ancient Greece was the cradle of democracy. However, in unstable times, it can be seen that democracy does not last once and for all. Democracy must be constantly fought for. and sometimes against the Greek state, Alex's statue stands here in this square in the center of Athens in his honor to remind the citizens of Greece of its history, and all of humanity that the struggle for ideals is constant and eternal. To the citizens of Serbia, his life path indicates that the fight against the great and powerful, who think that everything is allowed to them, must be constant and uninterrupted. Especially the fight for the preservation of the state, against its division, that is. seizure of part of its territory.
spiros kokoris on Google

Όμορφη και μεγάλη πλατεία στο κέντρο της Αθήνας εκεί όπου παλαιότερα στεγάζονταν οι υπηρεσίες του Κακουργιοδικείου Αθηνών επί της οδού Σανταρόζα!
Beautiful and large square in the center of Athens where the services of the Athens Assize Court were housed on Santaroza Street!

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