Statue of fighter Alekos Panagoulis - Santaroza 7

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Contact Statue of fighter Alekos Panagoulis

Address :

Santaroza 7, Athina 105 64, Greece

Postal code : 105
Categories :

Santaroza 7, Athina 105 64, Greece
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Ο Αλέξανδρος Παναγούλης γεννήθηκε στην Γλυφάδα. Δευτερότοκος γιος της Αθηνάς Κακαβούλη (1908-1991) και του Βασιλείου Παναγούλη, αξιωματικού του στρατού ξηράς. Αδερφός του Γεωργίου Παναγούλη, θύματος του καθεστώτος των Συνταγματαρχών, και του Ευσταθίου Παναγούλη, μετέπειτα πολιτικού άνδρα. Από την πλευρά του πατέρα του καταγόταν από την Δίβρη (Λαμπεία) Ηλείας και από την πλευρά της μητέρας του από το Σύβρο Λευκάδας. Εξαιτίας της κατοχής από τις δυνάμεις του Άξονα, ο Α. Παναγούλης πέρασε μέρος της παιδικής του ηλικίας στη Λευκάδα. Σπούδασε στο Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο στην Σχολή Μηχανολόγων-Ηλεκτρολόγων.
Alexander Panagoulis was born in Glyfada. Two-time son of Athena Kakavouli (1908-1991) and Vasileios Panagoulis, officer of the land army. Brother of George Panagoulis, a victim of the status of the Colonels, and Efstathios Panagoulis, later a political man. On his father's side he came from Divris (Lampia) of Ilia and from his mother's side from Sivro Lefkada. Due to the occupation of the Axis forces, A. Panagoulis spent part of his childhood on Lefkada. He studied at the National Technical University of Athens at the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.
Zarko Miletic on Google

Antička Grčka je bila kolevka demokratije.Međutim u nestabilnim vremenima se vidi da demokratija nije jednom za uvek ostojena.Za demokratiju se mora stalno boriti. Život Alekosa Panagoulisa nam govori o toj neprestanoj borbi za slobodu i demokratiju grčkog naroda.Ne znači da je jednom osvojena demokratija osvojena zauvek.To je proces,stalna borba za njeno unapređivanje.Posle ponovnog uspostavljanja demokratije, posle diktature vojne hunte u grčkoj, opet je sledila j borba njegovog brata Strathisa Panagoulisa protiv sujetnih političara a ponekad i protiv grčke države.Rezultat te borbe, uz podršku grčkog naroda ,Aleksova statua stoji tu na ovom trgu u centru Atiine u njegovu čast da podseća građane grčke na njenu slavnu istoriju , a i celo čovečanstvo da je borba za ideale neprestana i večna. Grđanima Srbije njegov životni put ukazuje da borba protiv velikih i moćnih, koji misle da im je sve dopušteno, mora biti stalna i neprekidna.Pogotovo borba za očuvnje države , protiv njenog cepanja tj. otimanja dela njene teritorije.U toj borbi narod mora da prepozna one koji su spremni da se istunski žrtvuju za svoje ideale, kao što je to radio i Alekos Panagoulis.
Ancient Greece was the cradle of democracy. However, in unstable times, it can be seen that democracy does not last once and for all. Democracy must be constantly fought for. The life of Alekos Panagoulis tells us about that constant struggle for freedom and democracy of the Greek people. It does not mean that once won democracy is won forever. It is a process, a constant struggle for its advancement. After the re-establishment of democracy, The result of that struggle, with the support of the Greek people, is a statue of Alex standing here in this square in the center of Athens in his honor to remind the citizens of Greece of its glorious history and the whole humanity that the struggle for ideals is unceasing and eternal. To the citizens of Serbia, his life path indicates that the fight against the great and powerful, who think that everything is allowed to them, must be constant and uninterrupted. Especially the fight for the preservation of the state, against its division, that is. In that struggle, the people must recognize those who are willing to sacrifice themselves for their ideals, as Alekos Panagoulis did.
George Zounaropoulos on Google

Ok yeah
Panagiotis Boulougouras on Google

Alexandros Panagoulis was a Greek politician and poet. He took an active role in the fight against the Regime of the Colonels in Greece.

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