Solimar White Pearl Adults Only - 73014

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Solimar White Pearl Adults Only

Address :

Kolymbari Village Chania, 73014, Kolimvari 730 14, Greece

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 730
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Categories :
Description : Upmarket all-inclusive hotel offering elegant quarters, plus a private beach area & an outdoor pool.

Kolymbari Village Chania, 73014, Kolimvari 730 14, Greece
Laura Xx on Google

Zaczynając od początku. Przyjechaliśmy do hotelu Ok 1-2 w nocy, zmęczeni podróżą udaliśmy sie do pokoi. Zostaliśmy mile zaskoczeni gdyż w lodowce czekał na nas poczęstunek co prawda nie wielki bo kanapki z sałatka ale lepszy ryc niż nic. Pokoje dość małe ale bardzo ładne, minus za brak kontaktu przy lustrze i minus za brak lustra głównego, poza małym łazienkowym nie było innego. Obsługa kelnerska, barmańska na wysokim poziomie, wszystko chodziło jak w zegarku. Obiekt zadbany, Jedzenie dobre, duży wybór drinków chodź zdziwił nas fakt po mimo opcji all incluzive drinki płatne takie jak aperol czy mohito. Animator gość na medal dbał o wszystko. DOSŁOWNIE WSZYSTKO. Począwszy od dobrego samopoczucia gości po WSZYSTKIE sprawy organizacyjne bo Pani rezydent poza ładna buzia i uśmiechem nie prezentuje sobą nic. W biurze zapewniali nas ze jest wystarczająca ilość leżaków do ilości gości przy basenie i barze. niestety to nie prawda. W regulaminie pisze jasno nie wolno rezerwować leżaków basenowych. Przez pierwsze 3 dni nie mieliśmy problemu z korzystania niestety od 4go dnia do końca pobytu była walka. Przyjechał nowy turnus. I wszystkie polskie przysłowiowe Grażyny polowały od samego rana na leżaki. Żenada. 5go dnia byłam juz na tyla zażenowana sytuacja ze przynosiłam sobie leżak z plaży mniej wygodny od tych basenowych ale co zrobić? Ostatni dzień wymeldowanie o 11 wylot o 1 w nocy co robić? Mogliśmy korzystać z udogodnień hotelu, śniadanie, obiad kolacja, bar. Ostatecznie okazało się ze wylot mamy o 3 w nocy zdenerwowani brakiem pokoju (nie ukrywajmy spędzenie 12h bez możliwości odpoczynku, kąpieli przy 30st w ciągu dnia jest bardzo nie komfortowe). Postanowiliśmy zadzwonić do Pani rezydent umyła od wszystkiego ręce standardowo kto zajął się nasza sprawa? Cudowny Pan animator który wynegocjował dla nas pokój za polowe ceny czyli 80e mieliśmy ostatecznie pokój do 1 w nocy czyli do momentu odjazdu na lotnisko. Pan Animator zasługuje na awans to na pewno dba o gości hotelowych pod każdym względem. Czy chcielibyśmy wrócić do tego hotelu raczej nie. Buro itaka duży minus
Starting from the beginning. We arrived at the hotel. About 1-2 am, tired from the journey, we went to the rooms. We were pleasantly surprised because there was a snack waiting for us in the glacier, not too big, because sandwiches with salad, but better than nothing. Rooms quite small but very nice, minus for the lack of contact at the mirror and minus for the lack of a main mirror, apart from the small bathroom, there was no other. Waiter and bartending service at a high level, everything was like clockwork. The facility is well-kept, The food is good, a large selection of drinks, come we were surprised by the fact that despite the option of all inclusive paid drinks such as aperol or mohito. The medal guest animator took care of everything. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Starting from the well-being of the guests to ALL organizational matters, because the resident, apart from a pretty face and a smile, presents nothing. In the office, they assured us that there were enough sunbeds for the number of guests at the pool and bar. unfortunately that's not true. The regulations clearly state that it is not allowed to reserve pool deck chairs. For the first 3 days we had no problem with using it, unfortunately there was a fight from the 4th day to the end of our stay. A new stay has arrived. And all the Polish proverbial Grażyna hunted for sun loungers from the very morning. Embarrassment. On the 5th day I was already embarrassed by the situation that I was bringing myself a deckchair from the beach less comfortable than the pool ones, but what should I do? Last day check out at 11am departure at 1 am what to do? We were able to use the hotel amenities, breakfast, dinner, dinner, bar. In the end, it turned out that my mother's departure at 3 am, nervous about the lack of a room (let's face it, spending 12 hours without being able to rest, bathing at 30 degrees during the day is very uncomfortable). We decided to call the resident, she washed her hands of everything as standard. Who took care of our case? A wonderful animator who negotiated a room for us at half price, i.e. 80e, we finally had a room until 1 am, that is until we left the airport. Mr. Animator deserves a promotion, he certainly cares about hotel guests in every respect. Would we like to come back to this hotel rather not. Buro it is a big minus
Jakub Łebski on Google

Fantastic place.
Katarzyna Kaznowska on Google

Amazing place
George Methymakis on Google

Pleasant stay!
IRIS-ISIDA-RA-MUMRA Hercules on Google

Very nice rooms. Astonished by the view
Siganakis Dionissis on Google

An ideal place to relax,swim, eat and view... Excellent service and friendly emvironment... Do not miss this place!! Weldone giys and keep on the good work.
Bartosz Plotka on Google

Hotel and the rooms look rather nice. Pictures from their website basically illustrate what you get. It's clean and the staff is friendly. The looks/pictures are what makes people book theit stay here if imagine as it was in our case. Sadly we've not checked any recommendations before booking as we would probably reconsider. Most of the reviews state the same thing, and ours is no different ... Their biggest issue is the food quality, quantity and how it's served. We've spent here eight days and we've seen the same thing every day. Most of the food is served mildly warm and very quickly gets cold as it's not heated up afterwards. Ingredients used seem to be rather low quality. Meat is bone dry and cold in most cases. Meat is served in really low quantity and replenished in a very slow pace (seems almost as done on purpose). Often we found ourselves just grabbing "Greek salad" and fries as these were the only "ok" dishes. No meat. On super rare occasion (once during our stay) we've got some "ok" chorizo like sausages that were quite good, but that's it. Sweets served were good in general, and it was the only thing that we've noted as "not bad". I'd recommend you stay away from the ice cream as well as these were most likely a cause of food poisoning of a larger (~15 people from our tour). Coktails are fine, but the selection of all inclusive drinks is really small, and you'll be able to taste everything in one to two everythings. No international alcohol available in all inclusive offer despite "Itaka" stating otherwise in their offer. The location of the hotel is in a very quiet village, with little to no attractions around. If you are looking for silence you might like the place but otherwise it's a bit underwhelming. From our experience locations like Platanias or Gerani should be a lot better for most people. I'd recommend you look for alternative hotels unless you're 100% sure their food issues have been fixed.
marslu78 on Google

I am disappointed with the hotel. Not only that in the adult hotel I had to pay double rate for a single room, the hotel completely ignored my request to book a room on the 1st floor. Unfortunately, the booking department did not forward the email to the hotel. The Solimar network did not live up to the hopes. Additionally, there is a bad smell in the room from the toilet. This is not a value for money hotel.

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