Zante Vero Rooms - Dionisiou Roma 20

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Zante Vero Rooms

Address :

Dionisiou Roma 20, Zakinthos 291 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 291
Categories :

Dionisiou Roma 20, Zakinthos 291 00, Greece
Santiago Fernández Gómez on Google

El señor es muy amable, las habitaciones normales, nada del otro mundo, ideal para gente con bajo presupuesto.
Mr. is very friendly, normal rooms, nothing from the other world, ideal for people with low budget.
שיר חדד on Google

מקום על הפנים. הוא לא דומה בשום צורה לתמונות. הוא קטן ועלוב, צריך לטפס ברגל במדרגות סיבוביות שעושות סחרחורת כדי להגיע לחדרים שגם הם פשוט נראים זוועה ומיושנים ומסריחים מסיגריות. בעל המקום היה מוזר ולא נעים. ריח נוראי עמד באוויר. לא היה כ"כ נקי. המקלחת קטנה עם וילון והכל מוצף מיים בשניות. המים בברז מלוחים גם אלו של המקלחת. תוותרו!!!!!!!!! For those how spiking English, I'm not the best writer in English but I will try beacuse it's really important to me. The rooms that you will expect to get by the Pic is doesn't even close to the reality. The rooms is smelling from smoking, they not so clean, and they look old and overall bad! And you must climp up to your room by a stairs that will make you dizzy!!!! The person who greeted us was unpleasant and strange. And the shower is small and with a drape, unpleasant and the water are salted even in the shower. Give up friends.
Place on the face. It is in no way similar to the pictures. It's small and shabby, you have to climb on foot on revolving stairs that make you dizzy to get to rooms that also just look awful and outdated and stink of cigarettes. The owner of the place was strange and unpleasant. There was a terrible smell in the air. Was not so clean. The shower is small with a curtain and everything is flooded with water in seconds. The tap water is also salty that of the shower. Give up !!!!!!!!! For those how spiking English, I'm not the best writer in English but I will try beacuse it's really important to me. The rooms that you will expect to get by the Pic is not even close to reality. The rooms are smelling from smoking, they are not so clean, and they look old and overall bad! And you must climp up to your room by a stairs that will make you dizzy !!!! The person who greeted us was unpleasant and strange. And the shower is small and with a drape, unpleasant and the water are salted even in the shower. Give up friends.
Nikla David on Google

Metto due stelle perché almeno si sono impegnati nel modernizzare la facciata, l interno del hotel se si può chiamare così è veramente assettico, non è presente lo staff alla reception, solo il giorno d arrivo per la consegna della chiave , ascensore assente, wifi??? Meglio il piccione viaggiatore perché internet è assente, lasciando perdere il bagno che è veremente angusto e poco arredato. Adesso smetto con i pregi e inizio a spiegare del perché le due stelle.....??? La prendo sul ridere . Buone vacanze ( si fa per dire ) a tutti
I put two stars because at least they worked hard to modernize the façade, the interior of the hotel if you can call it that is really subtle, the reception staff is not present, only on the day of arrival for the delivery of the key, absent elevator, wifi? ?? Better the pigeon traveler because the internet is absent, leaving the bathroom that is truly cramped and poorly furnished. Now let's stop with the merits and start explaining why the two stars ..... ??? I take it with laughter. Happy holidays (so to speak) to everyone
Ma Mou on Google

Άθλια δωμάτια, βρόμικα, χωρίς τηλεόραση, βρόμικου μπάνιο, είχε τρίχες και αίματα. Δεν έχω μείνει σε χειρότερο μέρος πότε στη ζωή μου. Οι εικόνες δείχνουν άλλο μέρος εννοείται. Ιδιοκτήτης ασχολίαστος, μύριζε άθλια, έφτυνε, χαμηλής νοημοσύνης. Χωρίς ασανσέρ ανεβήκαμε 4 ορόφους με βαλίτσες και μας είπε είστε νέοι, αντέχετε...
Poor rooms, dirty, no TV, dirty bathroom, had hair and blood. I have never been in a worse place in my life. The pictures show another place of course. Owner busy, smelled miserable, spat, low intelligence. Without an elevator we went up 4 floors with suitcases and he told us you are young, you can stand it ...
Stratos D on Google

Just disappointed........

Clean and spacious rooms near the EOT beach.
Scott Fraser on Google

An ok place , for this low prices , cheap drinks in the bar , and an excellent location
Th Sv on Google

Stay away from that hotel.. Dirty, awful smell, dirty staff too. Outside looks nice, but everything inside is very very bad. Drunk men all around, without sound insulation, you can't sleep at night because of the noise. Μiserable bathroom, mold and moisture. ΝΟΤ recommended.........

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