Diktamos Gorge - Diktamos Gorge

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Diktamos Gorge

Address :

Keramies 731 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +87
Postal code : 731
Categories :

Keramies 731 00, Greece
Richard on Google

Parked at the bottom of the gorge by a sign to the "Oak Forest". Apparently the top is better marked. Look for a signpost with a blue 2 that marks the entry at this end. Took longer than expected and we only got halfway due to the amount of boulder climbing required. This took us about 4 hours at a leisurely pace. Moderate physical fitness required. Follow the red arrows for easier paths.
Charlotte Ede on Google

Lovely gorge covered by shade. Lots of rocks to explore and climb on to, and many goats around. The start was slightly difficult to find but look out for the red and white signs!
Ben Styles on Google

Traversing this 7.5km obstacle course involves about 50% hiking through rough terrain and 50% rock climbing. To make it through the whole thing, you need to have good physical fitness, agility and lower body strength, as well as mental determination. Sturdy, comfortable, good quality footwear is essential. Bring plenty of water. In the late summer, the cicadas can be almost deafening so those with sensitive ears might want to wear ear plugs. Allow for at least 6 hours to complete the hike. Not suitable for children or dogs. Now that the important warnings are out of the way, on to the actual review... The gorge is fascinating and stunning. It is replete with interesting towering rock formations carved out by the seasonal river which flows through it in the winter, intermingled with huge gnarled trees of unusual shapes which have grown out of, through and around the rocks. Some of the trees and rocks appear to be innately fused together, like a mad scientist's experiment. Many tame goats call this gorge home, providing entertaining company. The sheer scale of the beautiful red and grey vegetation-lined cliffs on either side and the aforementioned rocks and trees are truly awe-inspiring, giving the place a jurassic feel. This is accentuated by some of the exotic-sounding bird calls in the evening. Some of the trail markers are faded to the point of being barely noticeable red colouration on rocks, others are hard to spot, and some lead to questionable parts of the trail which in my opinion have easier/safer alternatives. All of this adds to the adventure. We only passed one other group of hikers, so it was nice and quiet compared the more touristy gorges on Crete. All in all, this is a challenging trek with lots of climbing and scrambling involved, but is satisfying to complete and rewarding in terms of the sights, geology, nature, landscape and epic scale of it all.
Jonathan L. Bell on Google

I highly recommend Diktamos Gorge. Absolutely beautiful. So far, the most adventurous Gorge that I've been to on the island.
Dilnoza S. on Google

It takes about 3 hours to cross the 8km one way. Green and shady.
cees on Google

Nice Gorge with lots of shade. If you walk this gorge take enough water with you. Some parts can be a bit difecult. Look for the red arrows/signs because Some parts its better to follow them for the easy way.
Niklas Bertrams on Google

This was a really fun hike, mostly in shade, with some scrambling required. We went up first and returned after a short break. 6 hours there and back. With regular exercise, it's not too difficult but you'll be tired afterwards. Beware the goat stampede in the afternoon ;)!
Nora Fangerow on Google

This is one of our favorite gorges since it’s a relaxing and beautiful walk where you can explore terrain and enjoy the views. It took us about two hours to walk to the end and another two to walk back to the car. The path is easy to follow, no marking we’re necessary to find our way.

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