GK Holiday Home - GK Holiday Home

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact GK Holiday Home

Address :

Tragaki 291 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +97788
Postal code : 291
Website : http://www.gk-holidayhome.gr/
Categories :

Tragaki 291 00, Greece
Andreea Bebeselea on Google

Super gazda, super conditii, super concediu. Vom revenii cu siguranta!
Super host, super conditions, super vacation. We will definitely be back!
Valy Greavu on Google

Casa este foarte primitoare și curată, dotată cu absolut toate cele necesare unui concediu reușit. Doamna Mihaela, a fost foarte primitoare, ne-a dat sfaturi utile despre insulă și ne-a ajutat cu închiriere mașină. Singurul minus este că distanța până la plajă este destul de greu de abordat din cauza pantei puțin mari.
The house is very welcoming and clean, equipped with absolutely everything you need for a successful vacation. Mrs. Mihaela was very welcoming, gave us useful advice about the island and helped us with car rental. The only downside is that the distance to the beach is quite difficult to approach due to the slightly steep slope.
Alina “Alyna” on Google

Am avut parte o vacanță de vis, o cazare nemaipomenita, la o distanțã de plajă de 400 m. In apropiere gasiti supermarketuri, taverne, restaurante, cafe bar, la cativa metri Luna park, water park, statie de autobuz pentru cei cu nu sunt cu auto, rent car. Gazda noastra organizeaza excursii la Navagio, la Blue Caves/ Pesterile Albastre, la Broscutele țestoase si bineinteles ca organizeaza si seara Greceasca. Am vazut pozele cu cazarea pe internet pe un site de recomadari, am luat legatura cu doamna Mihaela in privat si am stabili ca ne-ar interesa vila cu 3 dormitoare. Are mai mule spatii de cazare, toate destul de aproape una de alta (pentru cupluri cu sau fara copii, pentru 2 famili sau pentru 3 cum am fost noi). Din poze totul parea ireal de frumos, marele bonus ca doamna era romanca (pentru mine e o bucurie enorma sa stiu ca a reusit sa dezvolte asa o afacere de buna si de frumoasa acolo in alta tara, recunosc cu mandrie ca am ramas in relatii de prietenie. Am un respect deosebit pentru ea.)Advertisement Vila in care am fost cazati se numeste "GK HOLIDAY HOME", are 3 dormitoare separate, 2 băi, living imens cu bucatarie complet utilata, terasa cu BBQ, sezlonguri, loc de joaca pt copii si loc de parcare. Curatenia impecabila, se facea zilnic, nu am gasit nimic de obiectat. Mobiler nou, modern, dotari grozave, saltele comode, o curte imensa, erau cel putin 3 uscatoare de rufe. Terasa unde era gratarul la fel, curat, bine iluminat, dotat cu tot ce ai nevoie, masa, scaune, balansoar, furtun sa te cureti de nisip. Camerile sunt dotate cu aer conditionat, TV programe romanesti, lenjerie de pat foarte curata, masina de spalat rufe si detergent, masina de spalat vase cu detergent, bucataria cu tot ce ai nevoie. Cuptor, cuptor cu microunde, aragaz, cafetiera, vesela mai mult decat suficienta, tacamuri, servetele, folie de aluminu, hartie de copt, saci de gunoi. A da si un frigider mare, incapator, suficient pentru toti. Saltele foarte comode, miros de curatenie peste tot. Am fost asteptati cu lapte pentru cafea, fructe, ulei de masline, apa si suc... o supriza minunata din partea gazdei noastre. Mentionez ca a venit dupa noi la bac, desi am spus ca nu este nevoie, ne-a asteptat si apoi am mers cu toti la o cafea timp in care ne-a dat o harta si ne-a aratat o groza de lucruri interesante. Ne-am si rezervat excursia de o zi pentru Navagio ca doar este atractia insulei. Pe tot parcusrul sejurului ne-a ajutat cu informatii, cu orice am avut nevoie, plaje faine, locuri bune unde sa mancam, suveniruri. Jos palaria pentru asa o gadza. Seara grecasca a fost reusita, am dansat cu toti desi noi de obicei nu dansam. Oragnizare super si distractie garantată.
We had a dream vacation, a wonderful accommodation, at a distance of 400 m from the beach. Nearby you will find supermarkets, taverns, restaurants, cafe bar, a few meters Luna park, water park, bus station for those who are not by car, rent a car. Our host organizes trips to Navagio, to the Blue Caves / Blue Caves, to the Turtles and of course he also organizes the Greek evening. I saw the pictures with the accommodation on the internet on a recommendation site, I contacted Mrs. Mihaela in private and I decided that we would be interested in the 3 bedroom villa. It has several accommodation spaces, all quite close to each other (for couples with or without children, for 2 families or for 3 as we were). From the pictures everything seemed unrealistically beautiful, the great bonus that the lady was Romanian (for me it is an enormous joy to know that she managed to develop such a good and beautiful business there in another country, I proudly admit that I remained in friendship .I have a special respect for her.) Advertisement The villa we stayed in is called "GK HOLIDAY HOME", it has 3 separate bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, huge living room with fully equipped kitchen, terrace with BBQ, sunbeds, children's playground and parking space. Impeccable cleanliness, was done daily, I found nothing to object. New, modern furniture, great equipment, comfortable mattresses, a huge yard, there were at least 3 tumble dryers. Terrace where the grill was the same, clean, well lit, equipped with everything you need, table, chairs, seesaw, hose to clean the sand. The rooms are equipped with air conditioning, Romanian TV programs, very clean bed linen, washing machine and detergent, dishwasher with detergent, kitchen with everything you need. Oven, microwave, stove, coffee maker, more than enough crockery, cutlery, napkins, aluminum foil, baking paper, garbage bags. Give a large, roomy refrigerator, enough for everyone. Very comfortable mattresses, the smell of cleanliness everywhere. We were greeted with milk for coffee, fruit, olive oil, water and juice ... a wonderful surprise from our host. I mention that he came after us to the ferry, although I said there was no need, he waited for us and then we all went for a coffee while he gave us a map and showed us a lot of interesting things. We also booked a day trip to Navagio as it is the only attraction of the island. Throughout the stay he helped us with information, with everything we needed, nice beaches, good places to eat, souvenirs. Hats off to such a guard. The Greek evening was a success, we all danced, although we didn't usually dance. Super organization and guaranteed fun.
Chrys cry on Google

The best
Ada on Google

Amazing place and lovely people!
M.A LiveStreaming on Google

The perfect place to be, really relaxing admosfer in a lovely luxury villa ..
Horia Marchis on Google

Perfect place for vacation, we loved the place, the owners are succes good people and all the time ready to help and offer you suport! We definitely recommend !!!
Ciobanie Coco on Google

For sure the best place for holiday ,we feel like home ...Everything was perfect ...very clean ,good position not far from the beach ,good restautants around.Mihaela the owner deserve 7 stars because you can arrange everything with her ...really amazing ... Next year i will be back 100%

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