Knossos 3D Experience - Dedalou

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Knossos 3D Experience

Address :

Dedalou, Iraklio 714 09, Greece

Phone : 📞 +979
Postal code : 714
Website :
Categories :

Dedalou, Iraklio 714 09, Greece
Michalis Patsourakis on Google

Φοβερή ομάδα, πρωτοποριακό για τα δεδομένα της Ελλάδας. Ωραία εμπειρία τη συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα.
Awesome team, pioneering for the data of Greece. I highly recommend the nice experience.
Simone Buratto on Google

Meravigliosa testimonianza storica. Percorso ben strutturato con numerosi didascalie dei reperti. Ben organizzati anche per ospitare persone disabili con percorsi dedicati. Merita effettuare la visita con una guida anche se per avere un prezzo ragionevole è consigliabile essere in gruppi abbastanza numerosi.
Wonderful historical testimony. Well structured path with numerous captioning of the finds. Also well organized for disabled people with dedicated routes. It is worthwhile to make the visit with a guide even if for a reasonable price it is advisable to be in quite large groups.
Vasyl Nikolaichuk on Google

Je to moc hezké město na Krétě, pozor!! Byl jsem na pokladně a u toho jsou překladatele a říkali ze osoby do 25 roku vstup zdarma !! ?? tak šel jsem zdarma, stačí ukázat ob pr
It is a very nice town in Crete, beware !! I was at the box office and there are translators and they said that people under the age of 25 admit free !! ?? so I went for free, just show ob pr

It was an amazing experience!! I definitely propose it!!
Nίκος Πανταζόγλου on Google

It's a very good experience I strongly suggest to everyone to give it
LeonIdas Kandilogiannakis on Google

Excellent way to discover the secrets of Knossos Palace using edge technology. Friendly and helpful staff. It would be great if such services were offered in other archaeological places in Greece too.
Nicola Hambridge on Google

I enjoyed visiting Knossos, and I prefer visiting under my own steam rather than with a guide. So I thought that this would be a good compromise. The 3D was impressive and the kit worked fine. However, there was much less detail to the narration than I was expecting. Overall I think I’d have been better with a map and a written guide, though maybe that’s not very 21st century! Also, the website is quite unclear where to meet to collect the equipment, it says “outside the main entrance”. I looked outside What I thought was the main entrance (it turned out to be the entrance before the main entrance!) without success and asked around, no luck! I went to the ticket booth and discovered I didn’t need to queue there as I’d prebought a ticket online, but when I asked where I collect my Ipad they said “try at the cafe”. I looked outside/at the cafe but could not see anyone with iPads or any signage/logo/badge saying Knossos 3D audio tours. After a while I heard a man saying my name to one of the cafe staff, which is how I found Yannis! I have suggest that they make collection instructions much clearer, and have a badge/logo/sign!
Daniel Jarr on Google

Unfortunately, we did not get the experience even though we booked and paid in advance. An example how a great idea lacks good operations. We bought a code online, but the app does not have a field to enter and activate. Customer service was very responsive through WhatsApp but did not provide a solution on how to activate the app. They asked us to come to Knossos between 8 and 530 for local support. We did, but nobody appeared and answered our calls until 820. At 9 o clock we finally got a message that the service team arrived. Until then we had finished the site visit already without the app. When we met the representative at the exit he was very friendly and we received a refund. We are still sad we didn't get a guided tour through the app....

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