Moni Agiou Panteleimona - Moni Agiou Panteleimona

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Moni Agiou Panteleimona

Address :

Thasos 640 04, Greece

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 640
Categories :

Thasos 640 04, Greece
Ivan Parvov on Google

Currently(June 2022) the monastery is open. The road is wide and in good condition (only few bad parts but nothing really concerning). Amazing view from the top and along the road.
George Zounaropoulos on Google

emil enchev on Google

Historical pleace
Razvan G on Google

Spectacular road to the top
Reinz Bee on Google

Didn t make it till the end was sparing my tires.
Cristian Vancea on Google

Very spiritual, quiet and beautiful orthodox monastery, run by nuns. This monastery follows the old Mount Athos tradition.The old church is very noble especially the old icon of St. Panteleimon imbued with gift of gratitude from the people who help them and listen the prayers.No cameras, phones or tablets are allowed inside the monastery.
Francisc Atanasiu on Google

Positive: the road to monastery offers great panoramic view. Negative: the place needs more attention from those who maneges it. The main atraction - the holy water cavern - needs a little cleaning. The spring dried up. The ascet living there is not very welcoming. The souvenir shop has not too much to offer. Disappointing on the whole.
Angela Petrisor on Google

Drove all the way up to the Monastery, like we do every year. This year front door was closed, nobody answered the door bell. A phone number was at the entrance in case it is closed, but nobody would answer it. Few cars waited for a while but nobody came, so they left. As we looked over the fence we could see many fallen rocks inside and looked like is a deserted place. To sad we couldn't visit At Pantelimon 's cave and get get holy water from the spring inside

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