THEO NIK on Google

Δυστυχώς δεν είναι ανοιχτό και δεν μπορεί κανείς να μπει .
Unfortunately it is not open and no one can enter.

Ένας ναός του τοκετού τον αναφέρει ο Όμηρος ο οποίος μένει στα αζήτητα από το ελληνικό κράτος!!!!!!????
A temple of childbirth is mentioned by Homer who remains unclaimed by the Greek state !!!!!! ????
Nicholas Gr on Google

Έχει κάγκελα. Κρίμα.
It has rails. Pity.
J. Pa on Google

Die Höhle ist sehenswert aber zu Fuß nicht ganz leicht zu erreichen. Wenn man den befestigten Weg von unten verlässt, dann ist es besser den Rechten Pfad zu nehmen .
The cave is worth seeing but not very easy to reach on foot. If you leave the paved path from below, it is better to take the right path.
Yury Shuryga on Google

Здесь по идее должна находиться какая то пещера. Но найти её нам не удалось. Во первых, нет никаких указателей. Во вторых, идти нужно по какой то расщелине в горе, без тропинки или чего то подобного. В третьих, наверху, где стоит отара овец, злющие собаки, не дающие пройти дальше. Да и кроме того, пишут, что сама пещера закрыта решёткой. В общем, место так себе)
Here, in theory, there should be some kind of cave. But we could not find her. Firstly, there are no pointers. Secondly, you need to go along some kind of crevice in the mountain, without a path or something like that. Thirdly, at the top, where there is a flock of sheep, furious dogs that do not allow to go further. And besides, they write that the cave itself is closed by a grate. In general, the place is so-so)
Onkel Toto on Google

Schöne Cave, man sollte vorher die Geschichte zur Höhle lesen. Der Eingang ist unterhalb des Feigenbaumes, ca. 20 Meter von der Oberen Straße. Oktober 2019
Nice cave, you should first read the story about the cave. The entrance is below the fig tree, about 20 meters from the upper street. October 2019
Spyros Michalo on Google

There is magic inside.. Go and feel it
William Vannuffelen on Google

Totally closed off to the public. No point in visisiting.

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