Dorovinis Monemvasia Castlehouses

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dorovinis Monemvasia Castlehouses

Address :

Geitonia Elkomenou Christou, Monemvasia, Greece

Phone : 📞 +9
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Categories :
City : Monemvasia

Geitonia Elkomenou Christou, Monemvasia, Greece
Giorgio Carletti on Google

Ci siamo lasciati incantare dalle immagini dell'appartamento, che in effetti si presenta molto caratteristico, se non fosse che ci si deve dormire. Le camere sono umide, ovunque è pervaso da un puzzo di stantio; il bagno è ricavato sotto l'appartamento ed è in condizioni di scarsa igene. Vi abbiamo trovato anche uno scarafaggio!! Assolutamente da evitare.
We let ourselves be enchanted by the images of the apartment, which in fact is very characteristic, except that we must sleep. The rooms are damp, everywhere is pervaded by the stench of stale; the bathroom is housed below the apartment and is in poor hygiene conditions. We even found a cockroach !! Absolutely to be avoided.
Nikos Vardalas on Google

Εξαιρετικός ξενώνας !! Η κυρία Ιωάννα και η συνεργάτιδα Φωτεινή πολύ τυπικές και ευγενικές !! Ευχαριστούμε για την ωραία διαμονή μας !!
Excellent hostel !! Mrs. Ioanna and her colleague Fotini are very formal and polite !! Thank you for our nice stay !!
Giorgos Skyvalakis on Google

Δυστυχώς μας κάλεσαν το προηγούμενο βράδυ της ημέρας που είχαμε κλείσει τη διαμονή και μας το ακύρωσαν. Εντελώς αντιεπαγγελματικό και χάνουν με αυτόν τον τρόπο εν δυνάμει πελάτες!
Unfortunately we were called the night before the day we had booked our stay and canceled. Completely unprofessional and thus lose potential customers!
Stelios Protopsaltis on Google

Dirty as hell!!
K Ch on Google

Great and comfortable place in the castle. Good for children and quiet. The sea is close nearby and many shops too.
an a on Google

Below average room. It is supposed to be renovated. It smells because of humidity and there isn't any room service, s if you stay more than one day you have to clean the room yourself. The bathroom is awful and really small, and it is always wet and humid. During our stay we found a couple of cochroaches and tones of ants. That room seems a good choice and the photographs show something adorable but the reality is far beyond that and you have to be prepared to clean for what you have already paid.
Lui Wolli on Google

It’s a beautiful place to stay. Very romantic and it feels abut like a hobbit home because of its shape. The room is small but still perfect for some nights. We do not understand where the negative comments come from because this is just beautiful and nice. We would book this again if we come back.
Flavia Barbu on Google

Ok, the room is small but high and considering the place and the age of the building is absolutely normal. The room is exactly like in pictures, stone walls, small window, nice and clean bathroom, good equipped kitchen, good Wi-Fi and a very friendly administrator. The house is very close to the main street, 1 minute walking and once getting inside the room, you feel the medieval atmosphere. It's something else, it's a special place to experience not just once. The room is clean, no humid smell like i read before and the kitchen has everything you need. Great place in an amazing location

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