Ta Psaria - 25is Avgoustou 3

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ta Psaria

25is Avgoustou 3, Iraklio 712 02, Greece
peter reetveter on Google

arrogante snol van een ober. duurt lang voordat je je eten hebt en geven je verkeerd eten. een sorry kan er niet van af. een pasta carbonara is geen aanrader. het was koud en waterig
arrogant slut from a waiter. takes a long time to get your food and give you wrong food. a sorry can't get rid of it. a pasta carbonara is not recommended. it was cold and watery
Sergey xSquallit on Google

Заказывали мусаку и гирос, салат, кофе. К еде притензий нет. Принесли достаточно быстро, официант немного говорит по русски. Можно расплатиться картой. Цены терпимые.
We ordered moussaka and gyros, salad, coffee. There are no complaints about food. They brought it quickly enough, the waiter speaks a little Russian. You can pay by card. The prices are tolerable.
Igor “Arheus” Kizimenko on Google

Это можноьназвать пищей, но наслаждаться этим сложно. Раки были пересушены, переварены и от прадеда. Трубочку к напитку пришлось спрашивать 2 раза и все равно не принесли.
This can be called food, but it is difficult to enjoy it. The crayfish were overdried, overcooked, and from their great-grandfather. I had to ask for a tube for the drink 2 times and still did not bring it.
Zski Marc on Google

Dieses Restaurant hat eine sehr unverschämte Art und weise an Kunden zu gelangen, bzw sie einzuladen. Das Restaurant liefert Pizza auf den Tisch aus Sandwich Brot, und Sandwich Käse!!!! Das ist wohl ein schlechter Witz ??? Die Pizza kostete mich 7,50€ was im Vergleich im oberen Bereich liegt. Für dass was das Restaurant bietet hat es eigentlich 0 Sterne verdient, denn es ist nur massenabvertigung, und Tiefkühl Kost!!! Nicht wieder!!! Kann man auf keinen Fall weiterempfehlen!!
This restaurant has a very outrageous way of reaching or inviting customers. The restaurant delivers pizza to the table from sandwich bread and sandwich cheese !!!! This is a bad joke ??? The pizza cost me € 7.50 which is higher in comparison. For what the restaurant offers, it actually deserves 0 stars, because it is only mass diversion, and frozen food !!! Not again!!! You can definitely not recommend it!
Peter Sokolov on Google

Very rude waiter, pushy and arrogant. Stay away from this "restaurant".
Darren Sadler on Google

Good food. Not the best service.
Hyewon Seo on Google

I could endure everything until l realized that my octopus dish had been filled with giant squid from pacific ocean. When I asked the waiter about it, he said it was the chest part of the octopus... I know what is octopus and what is squid!!
Natalie Lis on Google

It was pretty okay. We had a moussaka, meatballs and it was fast and tasty. I found the price a bit too expensive but the location is really nice.

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