Ancient Messina Wall - Ancient Messina Wall

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Address :

Mavrommati 240 02, Greece

Postal code : 240
Categories :

Mavrommati 240 02, Greece

Warto zobaczyć. Potęga starożytnej architektury. Koniecznie zaopatrzyć się trzeba w wode do picia.
Worth to see. The power of ancient architecture. You must have water to drink.
Taniolap on Google

Πολύ εντυπωσιακό μέρος τελείως άγνωστο ωστόσο...
Very striking part completely unknown however ...
Thomas Rapp on Google

Ausgrabungen lohnen sich nicht. Ausserdem sind viele Diebe unterwegs. An der Stadtmauer hatten wir das Auto abgestellt. 4 min ausser Sichtweite Seitenfenster eingeschlagen. Laptop weg, 2 Rucksäcke weg. Alle Papiere weg. Ein guter Rat: den Ort weiträumig umfahren. Es ging nicht nur und so.
Excavations are not worthwhile. There are also many thieves on the go. We parked the car at the city wall. 4 min out of sight Smashed side window. Laptop gone, 2 backpacks gone. All papers gone. Good advice: drive around the place widely. It wasn't just and stuff.
Carlo Leo on Google

Questa città antica ti consente di entrare in un dimensione altra nella storia antica. Ho letto dai testi di Pausania la descrizione della città, della fontana antica in alto nel paese e sembra che nulla sia cambiato. Possenti le mure che cingono ancora su più tratti la città. Alcune ore sono sufficienti per esplorarla, una giornata l'ideale. Da visitare anche la punta alta del monte (dopo che si lascia l'auto sull'asfalto) circa un ora/un'ora e mezzo di camminata in salita. Questo sarà il prossimo obiettivo.
This ancient city allows you to enter another dimension in ancient history. I read from the texts of Pausanias the description of the city, of the ancient fountain at the top of the town and it seems that nothing has changed. Mighty the walls that still encircle the city on more stretches. Some hours are enough to explore it, an ideal day. Also visit the high point of the mountain (after leaving the car on the asphalt) about an hour / an hour and a half walk uphill. This will be the next goal.
Angel Sanchez Fernandez on Google

Impresionante lugar arqueologíco y la Muralla me recordó a la Gran Muralla de China
Awesome archeological site and the Wall reminded me of the Great Wall of China
Dionysios Xenoulis on Google

Οι Οχυρώσεις χρονολογούνται στον 3ο αι. π.Χ και είναι ένα από τα σημαντικότερα επιτεύγματα της αρχαίας στρατιωτικής αρχιτεκτονικής. Η Ιθώμη ήταν το ισχυρότερο φυσικό και τεχνητό οχυρό της Μεσσηνίας, που ήλεγχε τις κοιλάδες της Στενυκλάρου προς Βορράν και της Μακαρίας προς Νότον. Από τα σωζόμενα ίχνη του προσδιορίζεται με ακρίβεια η πορεία που ακολουθεί σε μήκος 9,5 χλμ. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν μεγάλοι ορθογώνιοι ασβεστόλιθοι λατομημένοι επί τόπου πάνω στον βραχώδη όγκο της Ιθώμης, όπου σώζονται πολλές θέσεις με ίχνη εξόρυξης. Οχυρωμένη ήταν και η κορυφή της Ιθώμης, όπου βρισκόταν η ακρόπολη και το Ιερό του Διός Ιθωμάτα. Οι πύργοι είναι κατά κανόνα τετράγωνοι με εξαίρεση έναν πεταλόσχημο και έναν κυκλικό πύργο. Από τα τείχη, για τα οποία ο Παυσανίας γράφει ότι ήταν ισχυρότερα από του Βυζαντίου ή της Ρόδου, σώζονται εκτεταμένα τμήματα κυρίως δεξιά και αριστερά από τις δύο πλευρές της Αρκαδικής Πύλης. Τα τείχη ήταν φτιαγμένα από ντόπιο ασβεστόλιθο και κατά διαστήματα είχαν πύλες ενισχυμένες με ισχυρούς πύργους, που έπαιρναν το όνομά τους από την κατεύθυνση που ακολουθούσαν οι δρόμοι.
The Fortifications date back to the 3rd c. BC and is one of the most important achievements of ancient military architecture. Ithomi was the strongest natural and artificial fortress of Messinia, which controlled the valleys of Stenyklaros to the north and Makaria to the south. From the surviving traces, the course that follows in a length of 9.5 km is precisely determined. Large rectangular limestones were used, quarried on the spot on the rocky volume of Ithomi, where many sites with traces of mining are preserved. The top of Ithomi was also fortified, where the acropolis and the Sanctuary of Zeus Ithomatas were located. Towers are usually square with the exception of a horseshoe and a circular tower. From the walls, for which Pausanias writes that they were stronger than those of Byzantium or Rhodes, extensive sections are preserved, mainly on the right and left on both sides of the Arcadian Gate. The walls were made of local limestone and at times had gates reinforced with strong towers, which took their name from the direction followed by the roads.
Rob Kelly on Google

Interesting but not as good as Corinth
Edwin van Staden on Google

Aside of the historical value also a nice place to take some great pictures.

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