Firefly Car Rental - Chania Airport

2.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Firefly Car Rental

Address :

Chania Airport, Chania 731 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 731
Categories :

Andrea Mencaroni on Google

Sylvain Montagne on Google


Bartosz Król on Google

Niestety złodziejskie praktyki w postaci opłaty 55 euro za niepełny bak, podczas gdy tankowałem go 5 minut wcześniej. Dopiero wyciąg z karty uświadomił mnie, że odbierający pomimo, że poinformował, że wszystko jest ok, wpisał niepostrzeżenie do faktury 1/2 baku. Moja nieuwaga, jednak NIE POLECAM TYCH ZŁODZIEI.
Unfortunately, thieving practices in the form of a fee of 55 euros for an incomplete tank, while I tanked it 5 minutes earlier. It was only the excerpt from the card that made me realize that the recipient, despite informing that everything was ok, entered imperceptibly in the invoice 1/2 of the fuel tank. My inattention, however, I DO NOT RECOMMEND THESE THIEKS.
Fabio Mazzocchi on Google

È il terzo anno che per le vacanze utilizzo le auto a noleggio del gruppo Hertz: tre anni fa con Thrifty (in Olanda), lo scorso anno con FireFly (in Francia) e in entrami i casi ottima esperienza: auto nuovissime e nessun problema. Anche quest’anno ho prenotato nuovamente, ad occhi chiusi, con FireFly per la vacanza a Creta. Prima di partire ho guardato dove era di preciso il luogo di ritiro della macchina all’aeroporto di Chania e ho letto, per curiosità, le recensioni. Sono rimasto un po’ interdetto, ma ormai avevo prenotato. All’arrivo, nel salone principale dell’aeroporto ho visto il desk della Hertz e, sapendo che FireFly fa parte di questo gruppo e pur sapendo che il luogo del ritiro era un po’ fuori dello scalo, mi sono recato lì chiedendo se era il posto giusto per compilare i documenti e ritirare l’auto. L’impiegato è stato gentilissimo, in pochissimo tempo ha fatto tutti i documenti, controllato la mia polizza assicurativa, registrato la cauzione sulla carta di credito e consegnato la chiave dell’auto. Siamo usciti e a 50 metri c’è il parcheggio con il box dove abbiamo fatto vedere i documenti. L’auto era pronta, una veloce verifica alla carrozzeria per controllare che i piccoli danni fossero tutti segnalati sul foglio di consegna e senza attendere oltre siamo partiti. Stavolta l’auto non era nuova, aveva già 55 mila km sulle ruote, ma non ha dato nessun problema e dopo avergliene fatti fare altri 1500 l’abbiamo riconsegnata nello stesso posto dove l’avevamo ritirata; 30 secondi di verifica con l’addetto, OK sul foglio di restituzione e via verso il rientro. Considerando anche il prezzo pagato, per me vale 5 stelle
This is the third year that I have been using Hertz rental cars for my holidays: three years ago with Thrifty (in the Netherlands), last year with FireFly (in France) and in both cases excellent experience: brand new cars and no problems. Also this year I booked again, with my eyes closed, with FireFly for the holiday in Crete. Before leaving, I looked at exactly where the car pick-up location was at Chania airport and read, out of curiosity, the reviews. I was a bit dumbfounded, but by now I had booked. Upon arrival, I saw the Hertz desk in the main hall of the airport and, knowing that FireFly is part of this group and knowing that the pickup location was a little outside the airport, I went there asking if it was the right place to fill in the documents and collect the car. The employee was very kind, in a very short time he did all the documents, checked my insurance policy, registered the deposit on the credit card and handed over the car key. We went out and 50 meters away there is the parking lot with the box where we showed the documents. The car was ready, a quick check to the bodywork to check that the small damages were all reported on the delivery sheet and without waiting any longer we left. This time the car was not new, it already had 55,000 km on the wheels, but it did not give any problems and after having had it done another 1500 we returned it to the same place where we had collected it; 30 seconds of verification with the attendant, OK on the return sheet and off to return. Also considering the price paid, for me it is 5 stars
Nico on Google

Auto pagata in anticipo tramite Ryanair. ...arrivati 17:25 l'auto non era disponibile, ci hanno detto di aspettare le 19:00!! Alle 19:00 ci hanno comunicato che la macchina sarebbe stata pronta per le 21 (forse)in alternativa c'era un'altra auto disponibile da subito con 35€ in più. ....disperati e con quasi 2 ore di macchina da fare per raggiungere l'hotel abbiamo accettato...questo giochino è stato fatto con altre persone davanti a noi che ci hanno raccontato la solita storiella.....mai più con firefly....per il resto tutto ok
Car paid in advance through Ryanair. ... arrived 17:25 the car was not available, they told us to wait for 19:00 !! At 19:00 we were informed that the car would be ready for 21 (maybe) alternatively there was another car available immediately with € 35 more. .... desperate and with almost 2 hours by car to reach the hotel we accepted ... this little game was made with other people in front of us who told us the usual story ..... never again with firefly .... otherwise ok
Kajsa Dragon on Google

18 reservations for the same time. A waiting period of 4 hours! No, that is NOT ok.
Mauro Capitanio on Google

Very bad experience in Chania, Creta. We booked and payed in Advance but when we arrived at the desk no car was available (same category or bigger) and we had to wait more then 3 hours with no idea of timings needed to receive a car. No comment.

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