Holy Church of Saints Cyricus and Julitta (14th c.) - Kontogeorgaki 16

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Contact Holy Church of Saints Cyricus and Julitta (14th c.)

Address :

Kontogeorgaki 16, Veria 591 32, Greece

Postal code : 591
Website : http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/2/gh251.jsp%3Fobj_id%3D5045
Categories :

Kontogeorgaki 16, Veria 591 32, Greece
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Απο τις πιο όμορφες Εκκλησίες της Βέροιας!
One of the most beautiful Churches of Veria!

Υπέροχος κρυμμένος βυζαντινός Ναός.Βρίσκεται εντός περίκλειστου Οικ.Τετρ. όπως κάθε ναός στην Βέροια με μία καλοδιατηρημένη αυλή.Αυτή την περίοδο είναι ανοιχτός στο κοινό.
Wonderful hidden Byzantine Temple. It is located in the enclosed Terra. like every temple in Veria with a well preserved courtyard. At this time it is open to the public.
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Ο ναός των Αγίων Κηρύκου και Ιουλίττας χτίστηκε το 14ο αιώνα από τον επίσκοπο Μακάριο όπως μαρτυρά η επιγραφή της εξωτερικής όψης του ιερού. Ο ναός αρχικά υπήρξε καθολικό σταυροπηγιακής μονής όπως μας πληροφορεί επιστολή του Πατριάρχη Αντώνιου του Δ΄ (1395), ενώ αργότερα από μονή μετατράπηκε σε ενοριακό ναό. Ο αρχικός ναός ανήκε στον αρχιτεκτονικό τύπο της σταυροειδούς εγγεγραμμένης με τρούλο και αποτελούσε το μοναδικό δείγμα αυτού του τύπου στη Βέροια. Ο τρούλος αργότερα έπεσε, πιθανόν κατά τη διάρκεια του 16ου αιώνα, με το ναό να λαμβάνει τη μορφή μονόχωρου ξυλόστεγου πυρήνα. Ιδιαίτερο χαρακτηριστικό του μνημείου είναι ο πλούσιος κεραμοπλαστικός διάκοσμος στις τρεις αψίδες που βρίσκονται στην εξωτερική ανατολική όψη του μνημείου. Από τον τοιχογραφικό διάκοσμο του ναού, σήμερα διατηρούνται ελάχιστα δείγματα τοιχογραφιών, που χρονολογούνται στα μέσα του 14ου αιώνα, στην πρόθεση του ναού και του 15ου αιώνα στα εξωτερικά τμήματα του δυτικού και νοτίου τοίχου. Ωστόσο, διασώζεται μεγάλος αριθμός τοιχογραφιών με αγιογραφικές παραστάσεις του 16ου αιώνα, όταν ο ναός φιλοτεχνήθηκε εκ νέου το 1589 από τον άρχοντα κυρ Κωστή. Στο ναό διατηρείται επίσης τοιχογραφική παράσταση του 17ου αιώνα, όπου απεικονίζονται ένθρονοι ο Χριστός και η Παναγία. The church of Saints Kirikos and Ioulittas built in the 14th century by Bishop Makarios as evidenced by the inscription on the outer face of the sanctuary. The church originally was a monastery tells us the letter of Patriarch Antonios D. (1395), and later from the monastery was turned into parish church. The original church belonged to the architectural type of cruciform with a dome and was the only example of this type in Veria. The dome fell later, probably during the 16th century, the church takes the form of one-room wooden roof core. A special feature of the monument is rich brickwork decoration three arches located in the outer eastern side of the monument. From the painted decoration of the church have survived a few examples of wall paintings dating back to the mid 14th century, the intention of the church and the 15th century in the outer parts of the west and south walls. However, rescued a large number murals iconographers performances of the 16th century, when the church was painted again in 1589. The church also preserved frescoes show of the 17th century, where Christ is depicted enthroned and Mary.
The church of Saints Kirikos and Juliet was built in the 14th century by Bishop Makarios as the inscription on the exterior of the sanctuary testifies. The church was originally a catholic church of Stavropegia, as a letter from Patriarch Antonios II (1395) informs us, and later it was converted into a parish church. The original church belonged to the architectural type of the cruciform with a dome and was the only specimen of this type in Veria. The dome later fell, probably during the 16th century, with the temple taking the form of a single-storey kernel. A special feature of the monument is the rich ceramic decoration on the three arches located on the exterior east side of the monument. From the frescoes of the church, today there are very few specimens of frescoes dating from the middle of the 14th century, the intent of the temple and the 15th century on the outer parts of the west and south walls. However, a large number of frescoes with 16th century frescoes are still preserved when the temple was re-designed in 1589 by the lord Sir Kostis. The church also houses a 17th-century fresco painting depicting thrones of Christ and Our Lady. The church of Saints Kirikos and Ioulittas was built in the 14th century by Bishop Makarios as evidenced by the inscription on the outer face of the sanctuary. The church was originally a monastery telling us the letter of Patriarch Antonios D. (1395), and later the monastery was converted into a parish church. The original church belonged to the architectural type of cruciform with a dome and was the only example of this type in Veria. The dome fell later, probably during the 16th century, the church takes the form of a one-room wooden roof core. A special feature of the monument is the rich brickwork decoration of three arches located on the outer eastern side of the monument. From the painted decoration of the church have survived a few examples of dating wall paintings dating back to the mid-14th century, the intention of the church and the 15th century to the outer parts of the west and south walls. However, rescued a large number of murals iconographers performances of the 16th century, when the church was painted again in 1589. The church also preserved frescoes showing the 17th century, where Christ is depicted enthroned and Mary.

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