Santo Car S.A - Kikladhes

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Santo Car S.A

Address :

Athinios Port Thíra, Kikladhes, 847 00, Greece

Phone : 📞 +87
Postal code : 847
Website :
Categories :

Athinios Port Thíra, Kikladhes, 847 00, Greece
Andriana Gkouva on Google

Stefan Sanduleanu on Google

Krzysztof Pietrzak on Google

Olivier on Google

Un employé nous a apporté la voiture à l’aéroport à notre arrivée et nous avons rendu la voiture au port avant de prendre le bateau. La voiture était neuve et en bon état, et nous n’avons eu aucun problème ni avec la voiture, ni de frais cachés.
An employee brought the car to the airport when we arrived and we returned the car to the port before boarding the boat. The car was new and in good condition, and we had no issues with the car or any hidden charges.
silvia punk on Google

EVITATE ASSOLUTAMENTE!!! È il secondo rent a car che trovate al porto di Athinios, appena scesi dal traghetto, noleggiamo un' auto con la carrozzeria danneggiata visibilmente in più parti (sportelli graffiati, cofano battuto) ci chiedono i dati della carta di credito, come da normale prassi, ma dopo che riportiamo l'auto e viene appurato da ben 2 persone che è tutto a posto, torniamo in Italia dove, al mattino seguente la consegna, troviamo addebitati 130,00 Euro. Chiamiamo il santoncar per avere spiegazioni e contestare l'addebito, ma dicono di non parlare inglese ( per fare il contratto però sì) e che ci avrebbero fatto chiamare da una persona che lo parla, entro mezz'ora. Nessuno ha chiamato e alle nostre innumerevoli chiamate i riattaccano o non rispondono. Alla fine, riusciamo a parlare con il titolare che dice che l'auto ha dei graffi e che il carrozziere per toglierli gli ha chiesto 130,00 Euro. Alla nostra obiezione sul fatto che la macchina non l'avevamo danneggiata e che era stato appurato da due dipendenti, ci risponde che forse l'avranno danneggiata dei terzi, ma che non essendo assicurata per questo genere di danni ha fatto l'addebito a noi. Obiettiamo che avrebbero potuto contattarci subito dato che per altre due ore saremmo stati in aeroporto e ci rispondono che hanno licenziato la persona che ha fatto l'addebito....peccato che sia il figlio del titolare, perciò di fronte a questa enorme presa di giro li abbiamo denunciati alla polizia. NON CI ANDATE AVOID AVOID AVOID It’s the second rent a car, on the right, when off the ferry of Athinios Port. We rented a car with evident scratches on both car doors and bumpy hood. After two days, we dropped off the car at the airport, where two employees from Santocar checked it and told us that everything was all right. BUT the day after, when already back to Italy, we received a sms from our bank informing us that 130,00 euros were debited in our credit card. We called Santocar to ask the reason why this sum had been taken and were answered that the nobody could speak English and that someone would call us in half an hour. Obviously nobody called us back and when we tried to call them, either nobody answered or they hanged up. Finally, we succeeded to speak to the rent a car owner who told us that some scratches were found on the car and, even if they hadn’t been caused by us, the insurance did not cover this kind of damage, therefore the repair cost was charged to us. We told him they could reach at the airport ( we were inside and they were outside) or call us instead of charging us money. He said he fired the responsible... too bad for him that he was his son. This was a huge lie and we filed a police report. AVOID AVOID AVOID
ABSOLUTELY AVOID !!! It is the second rent a car you will find at the port of Athinios, as soon as you get off the ferry, we rent a car with the bodywork visibly damaged in several parts (scratched doors, beaten bonnet) they ask us for credit card details, as per normal practice , but after we bring the car back and it is ascertained by 2 people that everything is fine, we return to Italy where, in the morning following the delivery, we are charged 130.00 Euros. We call the santoncar for explanations and contest the charge, but they say they don't speak English (to make the contract, however, yes) and that they would have a person who speaks it called us within half an hour. No one has called and our countless calls are hung up or not answered. In the end, we are able to talk to the owner who says that the car has some scratches and that the coachbuilder asked him for 130.00 Euros to remove them. To our objection to the fact that we had not damaged the machine and that it had been ascertained by two employees, he replies that perhaps third parties will have damaged it, but that, not being insured for this type of damage, he was charged to us. . We object that they could have contacted us immediately given that we would have been at the airport for another two hours and they tell us that they fired the person who made the charge .... too bad that it is the son of the owner, so in front of this huge taking of around we reported them to the police. DO NOT GO THERE AVOID AVOID AVOID It’s the second rent a car, on the right, when off the ferry of Athinios Port. We rented a car with evident scratches on both car doors and bumpy hood. After two days, we dropped off the car at the airport, where two employees from Santocar checked it and told us that everything was all right. BUT the day after, when already back to Italy, we received a sms from our bank informing us that 130,00 euros were debited in our credit card. We called Santocar to ask the reason why this sum had been taken and were answered that the nobody could speak English and that someone would call us in half an hour. Obviously nobody called us back and when we tried to call them, either nobody answered or they hanged up. Finally, we succeeded to speak to the rent a car owner who told us that some scratches were found on the car and, even if they hadn't been caused by us, the insurance did not cover this kind of damage, therefore the repair cost was charged to us. We told him they could reach at the airport (we were inside and they were outside) or call us instead of charging us money. He said he fired the responsible ... too bad for him that he was his son. This was a huge lie and we filed a police report. AVOID AVOID AVOID
Adrien DOURLENS on Google

This company simply does not exist. Don’t expect a car waiting for you there.
Stas Shcherba on Google

This is fake company. They said it doesn't exist anymore and offer cars with higher price instead.
Nancy K on Google

AVOID!!!! They are quite cheap but you get what you pay for. They gave us a car with no gas, one flash working only, no air con (although they told us it is working) but the worst of all was the woman rude employee named D. who when we called to complain (when we realized all the problems) instead of apologizing said that we should check the car before we take it and it's our fault! Somebody should tell them that it is illegal to rent a car with burnt flash. Of course they gave us another car after we insisted, like they should do under the european law for car rentals. NEVER again car rental from them. STAY AWAY.

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